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Angel Fire

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 12:00 PM
New Mexico Bank and Trust
First National Place
Angel Fire, NM 87710
United States of America
If you would like to join us at a meeting, we meet twice each month on a Wednesday at the New Mexico Bank and Trust Community Room at noon.Please check our calendar for specific dates.
February 2025
Resort Employee Luncheon
Rotary thanks the Angel Fire Community for supporting the Resort Employee Appreciation Luncheon.
Rotary Senior Scholarships
2025 Seniors at Moreno Valley Prep and Cimarron High School are invited to apply for a $1000 Scholarship to attend college or vocational school. Below is an application. In the Menu above, find both the application and recommendation form. See poster to the left for more details.
Rotary Member Induction 
We welcome Kyle and Kiy as the newest members of the Rotary Club of Angel Fire. Both have a passion for the Rotary motto of 'Service above Self'. They bring valuable life experiences to the work of Rotary and the AF Rotary commitment to community.
Woodworking as Art
Kyle Marlin doesn't just build furniture, he designs and artfully creates wood pieces that will last many lifetimes. He shared the history of his passion - a long line of family members - and brought two finely crafted chairs and jewelry boxes to the presentation. We were wowed.
Moreno Valley High School Senior Projects
Ali and Cole shared described their senior projects accompanied by their mentors, Mike and Lenny. Ali built a chicken coup and Cole built two chess sets. They developed entrepreneurial, design, and hands-on skills. 
Rotary Hosted AF Wildland Team Captain Chris Romo
Wednesday, March 13, Chris Romo and his team of Wildland Fire Fighters invited the public to Station 3. Captain Romo gave the group a tour and shared how Angel Fire is managing the slash through pile burns and the air-curtain burner. Property owners are encouraged to complete a form with the Village requesting the collection of property-owner creation of slash or for allowing the delivery of slash created by a contractor. Every acre thinned helps protect the Village from a catastrophic fire event. 
Loren Bell of ECTA Shared Trail Progress
We enjoyed hearing from Loren Bell of the Enchanted Circle Trail Association at the November 1 Rotary meeting. Loren was informative and inspiring, leaving many in attendance with a desire to do more to create Angel Fire hiking trails. 
Rotary Hosted Mayor-Elect BJ Lindsey
Mayor-elect Lindsey shared his priorities - roads, water, and affordable housing - and fielded questions from the audience as he prepares to assume the mayoral responsibilities. He expressed his awareness of the challenges ahead and offered some of the ways he would begin his work on behalf of his constituents. He invited the audience to share their individual expertises with him in the coming months and years. 
Club News
On October 25, the weekly meeting was set aside so two amazing people could be recognized and honored - Pete and Diane Peterson. Diane's passing is such a great loss to the Angel Fire Community. We gathered to remember Diane and honor Pete and her for their many contributions and faithful adherence to the Rotary motto of Service above Self
The Rotary Club of Angel Fire was pleased to sponsor the Mayoral Candidate Forum on Thursday, October 5 at 5:30-7:00 p.m. at the Angel Fire Community Center. The three candidates were Charles (Chuck) Howe, Barry (B.J.) Lindsey and Jo Mixon (incumbent). Questions from the public were collected and culled to six to eight in number. Candidates began with an introduction and then were asked the same questions and given equal response time. At the end, each were given time to deliver a final summary. We appreciate the candidates participation and the many attendees. 
Thank you, Angel Fire Community, for joining the Angel Fire Rotary Club on July 2, 2023 for breakfast in support of scholarships for the Moreno Valley and Cimarron High School seniors and for the continued improvements and maintenance of the new Angel Fire Community Garden. Coffee, hot chocolate, orange juice, bacon, sausage, and of course, fluffy pancakes on a beautiful morning contributed to a fun and successful fundraiser.
On January 18, the Rotary Club of Angel Fire hosted an Angel Fire Resort Employees Appreciation Luncheon. The Angel Fire Resort is the heart of our community. Without the Resort, Angel Fire would not exist as a vacation destination. The village and the businesses of Angel Fire depend upon our visitors to keep our community alive and prospering. 
During the week of December 12, 2022, The Rotary Club of Angel Fire and the Church of Christ in Eagle Nest, hosted the Lubbock Christian University Choir. The Choir performed at the Mora Elementary School, The Angel Fire Community Center, and the Church of Christ. Prior to the performance at the Angel Fire Community Center, the Rotary Club severed the Choir a lasagna dinner with all the trimmings. The concert was wonderful! You can sample some of the choir's music online now on Spotify, iTunes, and other streaming platforms #mylcu. Their latest album "Christmas Collection" contains highlights from 25 years of Christmas music from Chamber Singers, Praise Choir, and even some bonus tracks from Best Friends.
The Rotary Club of Angel Fire Partnered with the Shuter Library and the All Food Pantry to host Angel Fire's Annual Pumpkin Carving Festival. Children carved and painted pumpkins and prizes were awarded to children in several age categories. 
The Angel Fire Rotary Foundation donated $150 to support the National Wellness and Healing Center (NVWHC) 5K Suicide Awareness Run and their Charity Golf Classic. The Healing Center, located in Angel Fire New Mexico, mission is to establish an environment that is responsive to the needs of veterans and military families using creative therapies and processes that focus on emotional and physical healing.
The Angel Fire Rotary Foundation recently donated $100 to the Moreno Valley High School Golf Team so that they could attend the High School Regional Golf Tournament in Albuquerque.
We would like to thank everyone who stopped by the Rotary Table to say hello and to those who bought a raffle ticket. Special thanks goes to Alpine Lumber who donated a chain saw and Angel Fire Highlands Mortgage who donated an Angel Fire Resort Certificate for the raffles. The winner of the chain saw was John Kosanovic and the winner of the certificate was Ron Johnson. Congratulations! The proceeds of the raffle will go towards our Annual Senior Scholarships Program for high school seniors in the Moreno Valley and Cimarron. 
Through private donations and grants from our Rotary District and the Angel Fire Community Foundation Affiliate Fund (Taos Community Foundation) we awarded eight scholarships this year. The scholarships are awarded in memory of Rotarians in our club who have passed away. There were six recipients at Cimarron High School and two recipients at Moreno Valley High School.
The Rotary Club of Angel Fire donated $1000 to the Shuter Library in Angel Fire. The library is entirely support by members of the community. It is the only library in Angel Fire and serves as an activities center for the town's children and an internet and business lounge. On every Fourth of July Weekend,  the library hosts the "Trash to Treasures" mega garage sale to raise funds. It is an event you do not want to miss.
The Rotary Club of Angel Fire partnered with the Moreno Valley Ministerial Alliance to continue our town’s fund-raising efforts for a new pumper tender truck and a new ladder truck for the Angel Fire Fire Department. These vehicles were needed not only to protect our homes and businesses, but also to keep our homeowners’ insurance in force and in check. We nearly reached our goal for the pumper tender truck, but we were not quite there yet. To help achieve our goal, the Rotary Club of Angel Fire matched dollar for dollar all new donations up to $5000. As a consequence an additional $10,000 was raised and the pumper tender truck was purchased.
FRIENDS of Eagle Nest Lake and Cimarron Canyon State Parks is a group of volunteers assisting with events/activities that enhance and promote Park use at Eagle Nest Lake and Cimarron Canyon State Parks. Membership is open to individuals and groups (families, businesses, private and nonprofit organizations) who love the outdoors and return that love by giving a bit of their time and resources to ensure the future of our precious local resources. As stewards of the outdoors, The Friends believe we have an obligation to pass on our resources unimpaired to the next generation.
In February 2022, The Rotary Club of Angel Fire donated the Friends of Eagle Nest Lake $500 to support their mission and encourage families in the Moreno Valley to take advantage of this wonderful resource. The $500 donation will directly support the lake’s fish stocking program.
One of the “fun” activities the Rotary Club does almost every year is to host “The Annual Mardi Gras Parade”. Businesses, politicians, and anyone who wants to have fun can participate in the parade. It only takes a vehicle with a few beads on it. Some years we have had some elaborate floats (trailers). The star of the 2022 parade was the Rotary Club of Angel Fire float where the true to life T-Rex was throwing out candies to the kids.
In the fall the Rotary Club of Angel Fire stepped up and painted the boys and girls gym bathrooms at Eagle Nest School.
"A great big thank you for painting our gym bathrooms" signed Eagle Nest School.
On July 21st District Governor, Bob Rausch, and his wife Sandy visited the Angel Fire Rotary Club. We reviewed some of our recent projects and our tentative plans for the 21-22 Rotary year. After a wonderful lunch at Vi's Restaurant, Bob reviewed the main goals of the District and how we might go about achieving them. A good time was had by all. Thank you Bob and Sandy for your visit.
On July 14th Rotary honored Trini and Larry Bradley, owners of the Pizza Stop. They were recognized by our Rotary District as the winners of the Sonny Brown award for small business.  Our District encompasses all of New Mexico and the western panhandle of Texas including 68 clubs so this is quite an honor. The Sonny Brown award is named after one of our past District Governors and a former Vice President of Rotary International for businesses who contribute to the community.  Trini and Larry have always been the consummate fund raisers for community functions often giving their own money to support various causes.  Recently, just to name some of the bigger efforts, they helped to raise $ 10,000 in partnership with Rotary to buy a new defibrillator for the third EMS ambulance and they promoted and raised $ 30,000 to sponsor the high school kids Moreno Valley Golf Club. The photo of the award presentation features from left to right: Gordon Cox, President of the Rotary Club,  Cody, Larry and Trini Bradley, and Debby Cox, Secretary of the Angel Fire Rotary Club and District Lieutenant Governor.
On July 8th we held a dinner at the St. James Hotel in Cimarron to honor the five high school seniors who won $ 1000 scholarships from Rotary in memory of our past Rotarians.  We invited the students and their parents to celebrate with us and we got to hear the graduates’ future plans. Pictured are 4 of the 5 students as Alexis Gruver had to leave early to return to her job at the Philmont Scout camp.  From left to right are: Samantha Henderson, Gordon Cox, Rotary Club President, Rebekah Roybal, Sean Garcia and Rylen Potter.

Rotary Four-Way Test Winners!

Every year, eighth-grade middle school students in the Cimarron School District participate in Rotary's Four Way Test Essay Contest. They apply the rule's by which Rotary conducts itself to their own experiences at home or in school. The Four Way Test is:

Is it the truth?

Is it fair to all concerned?

Will it build good will and better friendships?

Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Winners of the essay contest were awarded cash prizes and the best essay has been submitted at Rotary's District level for a chance to win even a bigger prize!

The Winners of the contest were awarded their prizes on March 11, just before schools were shut down, at the Eagle Nest Elementary/Middle School. The attached photo shows the our first, second and third place winners as well as those students who received an honorable mention.  There were a lot of good essays! Congratulations! Nathan Hill, our current President, and Janice Brooks, our Youth Program Coordinator are also in the photo.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Rotary Annual Mardi Gras Parade on Sunday afternoon. We also what to thank the Mikuna Grill for providing a venue to award prizes for the best floats. This year the parade was dedicated to The memory of Donna Holman, “Rotarian Extraordinaire”. Speaking of prizes, first prize went to the Black Lake Social Club, second prize when to Shall We Dance, and third prize went to The Angel Fire Chamber of Commerce. A great time was had by all!! Join us next year.
About forty children and their families came out to see Santa and have breakfast provided by the Angel Fire Rotary Club. This is one of the Club’s service projects and is held every year at the Community Center. 
Team Angel Fire is an organization under the direction of the Angel Fire Resort's Ski & Snowboard School. Their Mission is to provide ski and snowboard instruction, coaching and competition management to the youth of the Moreno Valley. Their goal is to promote a high level of skiing and snowboarding and to help each Team Member achieve the highest level possible.
This 20-21 winter season, the Rotary Club of Angel Fire sponsored a $750 Ski Scholarship for one student which will cover a ski season pass and equipment.
Rotary Is the Place Where Our Communities Go for Help
Angel Fire Rotary Club Saves Lives!
A few months ago, John Murtagh, Chief of the Angel Fire Fire Department (AFFD), gave a presentation at one of our weekly meeting on how the fire department was doing and outlined some of their needs to better serve the community. The AFFD was in need of a defibrillator/monitor for one of our ambulances as the life span of the cardiac monitor in this unit was coming to an end. Unfortunately, the AFFD lacked funds for EMS needs and sought support from our small community. The defibrillator costs over $20,000. A couple of club members got the ball rolling by starting a 50/50 raffle and obtained business sponsors to further support the effort. The rest of the club got into the program, sold tickets and topped the fundraising effort with a Halloween Costume Ball. In the end our club raised $10,000 which will be matched by the Angel Fire Community Foundation. The power of Rotary is AMAZING.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free, high-quality books to children from birth until their 5th birthday, no matter their family’s income.

After launching in 1995, the program grew quickly. First books were only distributed to children living in Sevier County, Tennessee where Dolly grew up. It became such a success that in 2000 a national replication effort was underway. By 2003, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library had mailed one million books. It would prove to be the first of many millions of books sent to children around the world.

The Imagination Library presents a collection of books beginning with the children’s classic The Little Engine That Could. Each month a new, carefully selected, age appropriate book will be mailedin your child’s name directly to your home or PO Box. Best of all it is a FREE GIFT! There is no cost or obligation to your family.

The Rotary Club of Angel Fire is supporting this program for children ages one to five in the Cimarron School District including children in Cimarron, Eagle Nest and Angel Fire. A registered child will receive a free book each month. Please click on the link above for more information or contact Kevin Mutz at 575-377-2326 or If you want to mail in the registration form send it to Kevin Mutz, The Rotary Club of Angel Fire, PO Box 1436, Angel Fire, NM 87710, not to Silver City.


The MVHS (Moreno Valley High School) Secret Pantry is a food pantry designed for the students and faculty of Moreno Valley High School in Angel Fire, New Mexico. The Interact group at MVHS decided that the school was lacking a sufficient food program after they noticed students coming to school hungry and having few options to feed themselves during the day.  One student was even observed falling asleep while taking one of the state mandated tests after having no breakfast that day and no dinner the night before. Due to a lack of nutrition, many students were unable to focus in class and saw their academic performance suffer.