Bulletin from Club Meeting 10/20/2015
David Andrews
Jo Ann Burak
CJ Jumonville
Karl Koppy
Penny Menge
Jason Sanchez
Anna Simpson
Chuck Simpson
Randy Spitler
Yoko Toda
Bob Vaughn
Dan Willeman
John Alongia, prospective member
Patrick Vizard, prospective member
Julie Craig, District Governor Elect of Rotary District 6270
Friends Forever participants
Tulane Rotaract
Friends Forever Networking and Social night:
We had a successful event with Friends Forever at JoAnn and David’s residence.  Thank you Joann and David for being such gracious hosts, and thank you to everyone who contributed food.  Once again our club’s cookery skills were again on display, with many fantastic recipes from the club.  All the guests, especially the kids thoroughly enjoyed the fare!
Prospective Member Social 
Our prospective member social event will be on Tuesday, Oct. 27 – the Tuesday leading into Halloween.  Let’s all try and get some treats together to entice new members to join us!  If you have recently met someone that you feel would make a great new Rotarian, invite them to our prospective members night and tell Membership Chair CJ Jumonville.
Upcoming Speakers:
Nov 3, 2015:  Kenny Nguyen of Big Fish Presentations, Inc
Nov 10, 2015: Girls on the Run
Nov 17, 2015:
Nov 24, 2015: No Meeting due to Thanksgiving
Dec 01, 2015: Election of Officers
*We are looking for speakers for November dates