Hi Kids,
  Your beloved editor was sadly absent today and so this missive arises from the superb reportage of one Ross Johnson, who must be recognized, particularly if there are any errors herein.  Thank you, Ross, for not allowing me even one week off...
"You can't impeach a temporary President!"
Well, it turned out that there were a number of folks missing: Queen for a Day... I meant President for the Month Clarence was off visiting his daughter's brand new Rotary Club; yes, it's true: Debbie has joined Rotary!  Congratulations to both father and daughter!  In Clarence's absence, PPPPPP..... Brud Dufficy led the meeting (and he'll be back later in the year) and he invoked his unique presidential power to get Chase Armer to lead the Pledge and then Mike Passof belted out the song.  Brud then read some sort of saying or something...
A whole row with heart problems...
Although we had no visiting Rotarians, we did have two guests: repeat guest of Tracy McLinn's, Larry Potter and  Ross Johnson's guest and former Interacter Jack Davies, who was sporting a broken arm (no fault of Ross', or so I'm told.)
Mo the Magnificent
IMPORTANT ANOUNCEMENT #1: Charter Night has been postponed due to the lack of a suitable room at the Marriott.  Tom Blinn has reset the date until March.  Stay tuned for details.
"You'll find out about my plan for Charter Night when I'm good and ready to tell ya..."
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT #2: Our Crab Feed is coming up and Ross gave an update and here is the flyer that you can pass around.
Well, there was probably more, but cub reporters are notoriously inconsistent, so you're gonna get none of it here.  Next was the drawing and it was Dr. Bob Adam whose ticket got punched and Bob managed to yank the orange ball from the can!  Since it was a new pot, Bob only garnered a C-note for his effort and he promptly gave it to the Rotary Foundation, thereby meeting his Sustaining Paul Harris Fellowship.  Way to go, Bob.
Bob wonders, "Did I just cough this up or did I pull it from the can?"
Ross Johnson was interim Sarge in the absence of the Club's tallest member and before he could get started, his guest Jack Davies told of his shipwreck on Monterey Bay during which he required rescue assistance ( I still think Ross had something to do with that broken arm.)  Other fines:
1. Pat Orelli is with a new accounting firm and his commute to his new Folsom office saves him 30 minutes (the fine for that,Pat, is a $1 per minute)
2. Chase Armer is now officially a Doctor of Business Administration (and has asked members to address him as "Doctor")  Congrats, big guy...:-)
3. Mike Passof's daughter got her second college acceptance letter (I hope it wasn't to that 'School of Hard Knocks' that Mike attended)
4. Guest Larry Potter paid a Takehara ($20) for Jack Davies' story (at least that's what he said the $20 was for)
5. Neil had no pin (what is my world coming to?)
6. Tom Blinn paid for being run off the road in Gold River, wrecking his car ("Honest, officer, that frickin' tree jumped out in front of me...")
7.  Bob McBee and Jerry Smuts apparently paid money for not paying attention (fair trade, I suppose)
Jack and Tracy
At this point we'd normally be recapping our guest speaker, bit I'm told by generally reliable witnesses that said speaker did not show and it is my understanding that the room cleared as if Hilary Clinton had asked one of us to be her campaign chairperson.
Hamburger Helper never tasted this good...