Why should I donate to the Pacifica Rotary Endowment Foundation?
Your donation or sponsorship makes a difference to those who need Rotary’s help most, here in Pacifica and throughout the world. Your contributions to PREF are 100% tax-deductible* and 100% of your sponsorships or contributions goes to the designated project.
How does the Pacifica Rotary Endowment Foundation use donations?
Your donations or program sponsorships contributed to PREF support the work of the Rotary Club of Pacifica. Recent Rotary projects supported with funds from your contributions to PREF include:
- Dictionaries distributed to every third grader in Pacifica’s schools
- Support of programs focused on services to Veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Syndrome Disorder
- College financial counseling for High School families
- International projects including microcredit loans to women and clean water facilities for those living in a remote village in Guatemala
- Community beautification projects including Rotary Plaza, Grace McCarthy Vista Point, Palmetto Ave. and Oceana Blvd., along with Pacifica Sanchez library, Boys and Girls Club and Spindrift Theater painting
What impact can one donation have?
Your individual donation or project sponsorship supports the work of the Rotary Club of Pacifica and make a difference to children, families and seniors in the community and around the world.
How can you contribute to The Rotary Club of Pacifica projects through PREF?
Send your contribution to:
c/o Rotary Club of Pacifica
PO Box 1051
Pacifica CA 94044
Or click the button to go directly to our website to donate through PayPal: