Our Projects
Great fun had by all at this event. Young and old and even pets joined in on the walk. Light rain didn't stop anyone from having a great time. A nice dedication ceremony led by Patrick Hall kicked off the day.
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Oceana/Manor Project
Your Rotary Team is at it again. Keeping the Oceana / Manor area clean of weeds and debris. Summertime is just around the corner and this area is looking outstanding.
Rotary Team completes the last set of bricks at Rotary Plaza in honor of VETS. Thanks to everyone who contributed. You should stop by and take a look at the path it is just beautiful.
Meticulous work
We Love Supporting Our Veterans
Great Work Team!
Rotary Plaza Refresh
Time for a refresh at Rotary Plaza. The club banned together to remove weeds, plant some fresh sod. Very Nice Work Club!
What A Team!
Are We Done Yet?
We Did It!
Your Pacifica Rotary has completed it's annual Laguna Salada Regatta where internally we compete to raise food donations for the Pacifica Resource Center. This year we raised and donated 2400 pounds of food!
Great fun had by all at this event. Young and old and even pets joined in on the walk. Light rain didn't stop anyone from having a great time. A nice dedication ceremony led by Patrick Hall kicked off the day.
Rotary Team Contributes to Earth Day!
Rotary Plaza work completed.
- Reset the tree stakes.
- Test /repair the drip irrigation.
- Power wash the bench.
- Test the lights.
- Weeding & trimming.
- Hauling mulch (which in my opinion is the most fun!)
In short – A good time was had by all!
Beautification Advisory Committee ribbon cutting celebrations recognized Rotary ‘Keep Pacifica Beautiful’ project completions on Saturday, December 8th. Rotarians, city council members and residents gathered at each project site to enjoy and appreciate the results of Rotary’s efforts to beautify Pacifica.
The Rotary Club of Pacifica was honored for their sponsorship for their landscape improvements to Oceana Blvd., along with Ocean Shore School, Pacifica Manor Ace Hardware and the Terra Nova Soccer teams who also contributed to the project. Rotarian Linda Jonas, who chaired the beautification project, recognized the hard work and dedication of Rotarians, and the contributions of Ocean Shore School students, Terra Nova soccer players and Ace Hardware for the project which has been in the works for the last three years. Rotary will continue to maintain and expand the project in future years.
The final BAC ribbon cutting recognized the completion of landscaping of curb planters along Palmetto Avenue from the Clarendon to Paloma intersections as part of the Palmetto Streetscape project. Sponsors, who planted the curb sites and will maintain theme for the next two years, include Rotary Club of Pacifica, Dial Glass, Pacifica Resource Center, Pacifica Environmental Family, Pacifica Historical Society, Reflections Hair Salon, Dig It Landscape Services, Fog Fest Organizing Group, resident David Leal, Recology of the Coast, Pacifica Library Foundation and Pacifica Friends of the Library. In addition, the Sanchez Art Center was acknowledged for their “Garden Art Party” creating and planting “garden stakes” to adorn the planter areas along Palmetto Avenue.
BAC Chair Patty Hontalas recognized each of the groups and thanked participants for their contributions to the ‘Keep Pacifica Beautiful” program. She praised the hard work of all the sponsors with special acknowledgement to Aren Clark, Public Works Supervisor and the Public Works Department staff for their continued support of the BAC projects.
Photo Captions:
(left photo) Members of the Rotary Club of Pacifica, City Council members, BAC members along with Ocean Shore School and Ace Hardware representatives celebrate the completion of Rotary’s Oceana Boulevard beautification project.
(right photo) Former mayor Mary Ann Nihart, who was actively involved in establishing the BAC and the ‘Keep Pacifica Beautiful” program, joined Palmetto Streetscape project sponsors, City Council, BAC members and Public Works officials to cut the ribbon celebrating the completion of Palmetto Streetscape beautification projects.