Pres Lisa presiding.
Hank was our greeter and provided the following inspirational quotes for us:
"In most faith traditions, your body is the place of every memory. A privileged place, the junction of mottu, energy, spirit, and conscience. The entire universe is in your body, your body is a temple." -Amazonian Oral Tradition
"What lies behind us and what lies before us, are tiny matter compared to what lies within us." - RW Emerson
Good Times
Jim showed a Whislestop ad in the Marin IJ, highlighting the needs for their services in Marin. He also showed the front page of the Whistlestop Express and it discussed the 60 year history of Whistlestop and their transportation history.
Bill reported on his travels to England. He took three courses at Cambridge and visited Sue's remains.
Dianne was taken back and very appreciative after she was thanked for all the work for sending cards to the speakers and members.
Farhad discussed how he cannot make any more mother in law jokes, due to her sadly passing away. He and Nahal also visited Tahoe to get away.
Hank remembered a WW2 Navy medic who lives down the street from him. Hank gave him a fan and seemed very appreciative.
Roland reminded us of the Rotacare sign up as dates are still available. Roland also announced the horse race event will be moving forward as we have enough interested and he will be ordering tickets soon.
Lisa made a list of announcements: Help is still needed at our R4V event this Saturday. She also discussed a social outing for our club, to the Pacifics game, Sat Aug 23rd, 5-8pm. We should invite our friends. Michael Pritchard, who recently spoke at our club, was able to intervene in a vet's down luck when Lisa noticed he may be ready to end it.
Chuck reminded us to wear our red Rotary shirts if helping out at the event Saturday.
Jim will be placing flags and signs on Friday. Paul will be helping as well.
Roland announced his security team info and meeting times and locations.
Lisa had a discussion with the club about potential new club locations. We need to tell Whistlestop if we would like to relocate.
Don Spaet, Fitness by Dot, spoke about back pain, which has a correlation between pain and brain capability. She started by telling her story and how she noticed her back didn't hurt when on her motorcycle. She started to look into this and why it didn't hurt. She continued by writing herself a program and was painless after a few months.
Bending and lifting play key roles in back pain; if done properly, they shouldn't result in pain. Lifting uses your leg muscles, which are often too tight on most people. Bending over isn't supposed to make your back curve backwards. A duck bend, or C curve, is what the healthy bend to your back, but people often slouch and employ the opposite posture.
Paul was selected for the raffle but he didn't win.