The Annual Speech Contest was held during the February 28th regular meeting. The contest was open to all students in grades 9-12 who attend or reside within the Quincy public school and charter school boundaries. The theme for the 2022 District Speech Contest was: " Share with us a time you have served others and how were lives impacted, including your own".  This year's winners are:
1st Place     Kayla Thackeray
2nd Place    Cate Baker
3rd Place     Teagan Lopez-Schrammel
Rotarians Sarah Gallagher and Beth Reid organized the contest. The fist place winner will now advance along with the winners from the Portola, Loyalton, and Greenville clubs. The winner of the area contest will advance to the District 5190 Contest scheduled April 30 at Harrah's Hotel at Lake Tahoe.