Welcome to the Rotary Club of Quincy
With help from our REGL & RYLA students, Quincy Rotary won a First Place in the 2023 Plumas-Sierra County Fair Parade!
"Maji ni uhai" means "Water is Life" which is evident in many Kenyan villages who have benefitted from the hard work of Dr. Cathy Fitzgerald and her team of well drillers - some who are Univerity of Nevada students, some who are members of the villages.
For over 17 years, Quincy Rotary has partnered with Dr. Fitzgerald, a Ph.D. in Engineering, with a strong background in hydrology. Rotary helps with the funding and Fitzgerald with the site selection and well drilling, bringing fresh water to Kenyans where water flow is often not efficient. Most water is lugged by young girls over miles of arid terrain to reach villages. The girls rise early in the morning to fetch firewood to build fires. After they forage for fuel, the girls set out to find water to port back to their village in jugs. The often-putrid water sources are shared with wild animals, tape worms, brain eating amoeba, harmful bacteria and a host of other dangerous entities. The girls must then boil the water before using it to cook, or clean, or drink. The girls in villages are the foragers, fetching wood and water miles from their homes while the boys go to school.  Up until recently, the girls had little time to attend to their education.

Enter Dr. Fitzgerald who leads UNR graduate students to Kenya to work on water projects. She was looking for sponsors and Quincy Rotary was interested, seeking a meaningful international project to satisfy one of the 7 areas of focus of Rotary International. Those areas are promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, saving mothers and children, supporting education, growing local economies, and protecting the environment. Dr. Fitzgerald’s project fit the bill.

Now, these wells free Kenyan girls from the burden of foraging for firewood and hauling water for miles, allowing them time to spend in a classroom, becoming educated alongside boys. Dr. Fitzgerald was able to convince village elders that if additional classrooms are built and instructors located, girls will be able to stay in school until they are eighteen, instead of being married off by twelve. 
Prior to the pandemic, Dr. Fitzgerald trained a team of local well drillers who could be more self-directed. The team has managed to drill four wells from 2020 to 2021. Two additional wells were drilled this past 2022 summer, with funding coming from Dr. Fitzgerald herself.  A simple, low-tech water well in Kenya at $2750 is relatively low-cost and brings innumerable benefits. By funding these well projects, Quincy Rotary has found a focus by not only providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, but, through Dr. Fitzgerald’s Well Project, our Rotary also is able to fight disease, save mothers and children, support education, grow local economies, protect the environment, all which leads to promoting peace.
Quincy and Greenville Rotaries combined forces, gathering together under the Greenville Greenhouse at The Spot Monday evening, 4/10, 2023. After the Dixie Fire, the heated Greenhouse became a Greenville Rotary Project build - a place for the community to gather - and the picnic tables inside as well. The tables were built by their club out of reclaimed wood from Dixie Fire's burnt trees. Speaker Sue Weber declared that the silver lining in devasting disasters is the "re" building of community - the gathering of two Rotary Clubs becoming one for a night of food and good cheer! 
Quincy Rotary hosted the Area 2 Rotary Foundation Dinner with special guests from Rotary District 5190 on Friday, March 31, 2023. We welcomed District Governor Jeff Gabriel, in-coming DG Stacey Graham, District Foundation Chair and past DG Doug McDonald, and past DG Steve Lewis who was our speaker.  Recognized for their sizable donations to the Rotary Foundation were Rotarians Darren Beatty, Rick Foster, Karen Pierson, David Little, Mike Flanagan, Rick Leonhardt, and Mike Summerfield. David Windle, Foundation Chair, was honored as a Major Donor. Greenville and Portola Rotary presidents and in-coming presidents attended the event as well.
First place winner Savannah Little (Rotarian David's daughter), Madeline Baker, Adria Black (3rd Place), Abby Warren, Madeline Blausfuss (2nd Place), and Tessa Batiste brought their individual voices to the theme for Rotary's 2023 Speech Contest:  How have you Imagined Working Together to better the lives of others, and how did you implement your idea?
Sarena Barker wins the $2500 50/50 Raffle!!! Amy Carey scored 2nd @ $1500! David Leonhardt was 3rd @ $1000. Robin White took $500. $250 went to John Gay, Jenna Peay and Tim Reid. Congrats to all!!!
Led by Dwight Pierson, Rotarians - Darren Beatty, Pete Hochrein, Brenda Roccucci, Bill Elliott and Mike Flanigan organized and stocked The Quincy Elementary Rotary Closet with warm jackets, snow boots, tees, sweats, socks and sundries! These much needed items are given to kids and are much appreciated as the days get colder!
On the last Monday in August, Quincy Rotarians gathered with friends and family in the evening glow of the courtyard of Ricardo and Wendy Jacobus's Drunk Brush Wine Bar to savor appetizers from Back Door Catering and to sip beverages from the bar. The mood was generous. Over $1650.00 was raised for the Polio Plus Challenge! Demonstrating the power of Rotary, the Quincy club always comes through by generously donating to The Rotary Foundations Polio Plus campaign to eradicate this dreadful disease - a disease that recently resurfaced in the U.S. Thank you.
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Quincy California!
Quincy CA

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Mondays at 12:15 p.m.
Mineral Building Plumas-Sierra Fairgrounds
204 Fairgrounds Rd
PO Box 1717
Quincy, CA 95971
United States of America
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Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
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Rotary Foundation
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Community Service Co-chair
Past President
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays:
  • Pete Hochrein
    January 8
  • Chuck Leonhardt
    January 13
Spouse/Partner Birthdays:
  • Karen Stockton
    January 2
  • Nancy Adrian
    January 14
Join Date:
  • David Adrian
    January 1, 1977
    48 years
  • David Windle
    January 1, 1977
    48 years
  • JoDee Johnson
    January 7, 2019
    6 years
  • Bill Abramson
    January 22, 2024
    1 year
  • Mimi Hall
    January 22, 2024
    1 year
Jimmy Carter's vision for peace

This story appeared in the February 2018 issue of Rotary magazine.  It’s a crisp, sunny day in late October, and school groups are touring the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in

Espresso in a war zone

Adventure or misadventure, roving correspondent Scott Simon finds enlightenment in a life of travels

The liberation of Julie Mulligan

After being kidnapped abroad, Rotarian Julie Mulligan set out to live a more authentic life of Service Above Self

Unforgettable evenings in Calgary

Signature events at the 2025 Rotary convention include dinner at Rotarians’ homes, a country music jamboree, and boot-stompin’ celebrations of the Western culture in Calgary.

Art for advocacys sake

Student artists spread the word about cervical cancer with works they’ve created through the Rotary member-led program United to End Cervical Cancer in Egypt.