Tahoe Douglas Rotary meetings are internationally renowned for being relaxed, fun and friendly. Dress is casual and ear plugs are recommended to counter the effects of our singing! Visiting Rotarians can expect a warm welcome!
Time: Noon to 1:30 pm on Fridays. See the calendar for information on this week's program and instructions to join the meeting.
Tahoe Douglas Rotary Club meets every Friday at Noon & by Zoom, except the 2nd Friday. The Thursday prior to the 2nd Friday we have an evening gathering starting at 6:00pm at rotating fun locations.
On Friday's we meet at Bally's Lake Tahoe Resort (formerly Mont Bleu) in the convention rooms on the West of the casino floor.
Map Link:
If you wish to attend by Zoom use the Link below:
Zoom Link:
OR dial in +1 669 900 9128,
Meeting ID: 775 111 5190