Pres Cheryle welcomed guests Bill Lawrence, Ale and Chris and Brian Rothwell (home hosts later in the year and pictured here with Ale)  plus 13 members.  

Alessandra gave us a very confident, informative talk and slide presentation on herself, her family and home town of Thiesi, Italy. Thiesi is a small inland town in Northwest Sardinia, a little smaller than Osoyoos. Apparently cheese is the major product of the area and Ale's family owns one of the cheese factories. Sounds like  some samples are in our future? Ale shared several of the areas traditions and architecture and we enjoyed pictures of her parents, three sisters and brother. 

Ale loves her reading and volleyball. She plays on a district team at home, so no wonder she is the star of the school team here. She is in the academic program at a high school outside of Thiesi so buses every day....11 subjects! There is one year left when she returns (equivalent to our grade 13) and then on to University She loved her first Thanksgiving here (apart from the b. sprouts!) which she spent in Vancouver with her host family, Stan and Wendy. 

A very well done program Ale. We look forward to your end of  year presentation. 

Judy was recognized for all the great work done on the signage for all service clubs which are now up on all the entrances to Osoyoos. This weekend is the District Leadership conference in Penticton and Pres Cheryle and Jim, Bobi and Dennis are attending. Interviews for our outbound YE student also take place.  

Finally, Vaughn's ticket was drawn and with only 3 cards left for the $100 ....he missed the joker! 2 cards next week!