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Cedarburg-Grafton Rotary Club
Grant Information
The Cedarburg-Grafton Rotary Club accepts grant applications electronically. All grant requests must be made by completing the Grant Request Application.
Once completed, it can be emailed to our Grant Committee Chair, Patricia Thome.
The Grant Committee reviews all applications and makes recommendations to the full board. The Grant Committee meets in September, December, March and May to review applications. Committee recommendations are then reviewed by the Board, and if approved, funds are distributed in October, January, April, and June.
Please provide an attached description of the project to be funded including:
· History of your organization
· Geographic area served
· Demographic of those that will benefit from the project/program
· Other sources of funding for the project/program
The project must address an educational, philanthropic, or humanitarian needs of our community.
Our club will not fund the establishment of a permanent foundation, endowment, trust, or operating fund.
Funds will not be used to reimburse organizations for costs already incurred for projects in progress or completed.
Funds will not be provided for annual campaigns.
Grant funds cannot be used for the operating or administrative expenses of any organization or for salaries, stipends, or honorariums for individuals working for the organization.
Special consideration will be given to organizations that have not previously received a Community Fund grant.
Special consideration will be given to requests that may result in matching contributions.