Our Rotary Club serves the Cedarburg and Grafton communities in central Ozaukee County.
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“But I am so grateful for the education and opportunity that your other scholarship offered me,” Jordan wrote to the committee. “I wouldn’t be in such a great situation without your help.”
Trevor also helped to collect around 500 toys in the Kids2Kids Toy Drive this past year as part of the Kapco Enterprises Student Leadership Team. Fueling his interest in government, he has participated in programs like Badgers Boys State, Ozaukee County Youth Government Day, and the Wisconsin State Senate Scholar program.
Trevor said he plans to pursue a degree in Finance and Political Science at a 4-year university, yet to be decided. “My goal,” he said, “is to remain actively engaged in my community and eventually serve in an elected office to give back to the place that has given me so much.”
Trevor chose to donate his $50 Rotary award to the Grafton Education Foundation in support of the many teachers who have supported him. Click here to watch Trevor's presentation.
Grafton High School Principal Scott Mantei recognized McNabb for his significant accomplishments as a basketball player noting that he is the all-time leading scorer in Grafton High School history and has exceeded 2,000 career points. “In addition to basketball, Michael is an outstanding student leader at GHS, has challenged himself by taking rigorous coursework, and understands the importance of being a role model to future Black Hawks,” Mantei said.
The Rotary award is given monthly, alternating between Cedarburg and Grafton High Schools, to students who demonstrate hard work through school, employment or other activities. The Club makes a $50 donation to a charity of the student‘s choice.
In accepting his award, McNabb said his ultimate goal is to inspire the next generation of young athletes to pursue their dreams and become the best version of themselves as athletes and people just as he was inspired by those before him. He credited his family, coaches and teammates for his success. Click here to watch Michael's acceptance speech.
McNabb will be attending Northern Michigan University to play basketball. He designated his Rotary donation go to Mel’s Charities.
Pictured are Rotary Club of Cedarburg-Grafton president Mike Herbrand, left, with Student of the Month Michael McNabb and Grafton High School Principal Scott Mantei.
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In accepting her award, a $50 chamber gift card and a $50 donation to a charity of her choice, Madison said she plans to play golf in college and major in computer science. Her dream job would be working for the PGA someday.