What memories did we all have from our Christmas this year? - this was the question posed to club members by Peter this morning.
Members were provided with a quick 30 seconds to respond - or face a fine by the Sarg.  Needless to say, we all managed to find something we could talk about.  They included:
A partner of one of our members was heard to have drunk a bottle of gin every day in the lead up to Christmas; whilst several other members were heard to have had more tipples than normal.  The "Ginvent" Calendar was the culprit really.
One family welcomed their 4th great grandson 'Ted" to the fold in the lead up to Christmas.
Searching for cocktail saveloys paid off big time for one member, as they were all eaten before much of the other food was touched. 
In Estonia they have a good elf who, during the month of December comes calling.  If children have left their shoes on the window sill AND have been good, the elf leaves a chocolate or candy inside the shoe for them to discover the next morning.  On member was unaware of this tradition the first Christmas their son and daughter-in-law were staying - only to discover a chocolate in her running shoe - after she'd been for a run!!  This year was much better - checking was done before shoes were put on feet.
It is not always a good idea to try out a new Christmas smoker on Christmas day to smoke the chicken for the Christmas dinner.  It may cause arguments; and may also cause a delay in eating schedule.  Hopefully all ended well.
Most people shared the day with family members.  Some groups were more numerous than others - the largest gathering was over 25 people. 
Young children know to check whether their drinks have been spiked; when their parents use that as an excuse not to share.
The rooms on the 6th floor of Crown Towers - riverside rooms of course - is a great vantage point to watch the New Year's Eve fireworks from.
There were other responses too, but I was too engrossed in listening to them to get them all written down.  Sorry - ED.