Sign up for the Mid-year District Rotary Rally.  It will be held January 25-26 at the Oak Ridge Conference Center in Chaska, MN.  Join your friends and make new ones as we rally to Celebrate Rotary, engage in trainings to enhance your professional, personal and Rotary life, and learn about up-coming and future Rotary Opportunities.  The Mid-term event begins at 9:30 am and ends at 2 pm on Saturday, Jan 26th.

Also consider coming early for the optional additional, fast-paced and motivating 2 half days of Rotary and Leadership activities as we combine the Leadership Academy (two separate segments from 5:30 pm until 10:30 pm on Friday, Jan 25th and continuing at 6:30 am through 9:30 am on Saturday, Jan 26th).

These 3 events will be held in-conjunction with each other so that club members may travel together, participate in the trainings, save money and time and share some fabulous learning experiences.

Agendas for each of these events are posted on the District website at  Register now for the Rotary District 5960 MIDYEAR RALLY. Start your new year off with your Rotary Club team on January 25th – 26th, 2013 at Mid-term, PETS I and the Leadership Academy.