
 Heidi gave her classification talk recently.  I asked her six follow up questions to help summarize her presentation for those of us who were present and for our club members who missed the meeting. If you have not had a chance to welcome her to our club, please do so when we all meet again at The Inn at Shattuck..
  1. Your Family members, occupations (including you) or school level?” 
I have two grown sons.  My oldest is 31 and works in construction in the twin cities, My youngest will be 30 at the end of June, lives in Minneapolis and he is in the insurance industry.
  1. Your Hometown/School/College
I was born in St. Paul and moved to Faribault when I was 4 yrs. old.  I moved away in 1984 at the age of 17, and back again when I was 37,  but consider Faribault to be my hometown.
  1. Your Previous occupations?
My previous occupations have been many! I have:  owned a decorating business, had my real estate license, worked in banking, had my insurance license, sold cars in a dealership, owned and operated a loft hotel (I still do), worked as a life coach, and led women's trips, (I can't wait to go again!).  My current position as the ED of the Paradise has been easier because of all of these things.
  1. Any Hobbies?
In my free time I like to read or listen to audible books while doing some kind of project.  I absolutely LOVE to travel.
  1. Rotary sponsor? George Wickstrom
  1. Interesting fact about you or your life?
    An interesting fact about me is:  Last year from mid-July until the end of August I traveled with my best friend from Atlanta.  She is a Delta flight attendant and I had her companion pass so I traveled with her and stayed with her on her lay-overs.  I saw 7 different European cities, made 10 transatlantic flights, and 2 inter European flights.  I traveled alone in London and Rome when I couldn't get on a flight home, I had the privilege of  flying in a first class pod 6 of the 10 transatlantic flights.  I met some amazing people in airports who I still stay in touch with, and I consider it to be the very best 5 weeks of my life!  It was exhausting, exhilarating, liberating, and confidence building... and more than anything it showed me how similar we all are no matter where we live.  It makes my heart happy just to think about it.