Posted by David Sauer

Great Speech!

On July 7, 2021, the Faribault Rotary Club was pleased to hear Ms. Rebekah Freed’s inspired classification talk.  Ms Freed gave an impassioned speech talking from the heart about her life of purpose and what inspires her.  She opened the speech by performing the “Rotary Rap”, which she had written.  Ms. Freed also highlighted how “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll has provided guidance and inspiration in her life.  
Ms. Freed emphasized her Christian faith and her relationship with God and Jesus Christ.   She enjoys music and is active in youth ministry.  She is committed to having a servant’s heart and, as such, is active in Earth Day, Habitat for Humanity, and is a licensed Foster Care provider.  Professionally, she is Daikin’s Senior Environmental Health and Safety Engineer and has a Master's degree in Occupational Safety Management.  
Ms. Freed gave lunch attendees each a gift bag.  In the bag, she gave everyone a ruler, a pencil, mint lifesavers (on the tables), small inspirational cards, and a bookmark.  She explained the ruler symbolizes being centered in your life, while the pencil was like a person in that everyone has potential.  The mint lifesavers are meant to be a lifeline as the aroma of the mint spreads everywhere and is a breath of fresh air to everyone.  The bookmark symbolized the importance of reading and gaining knowledge in order to grow.  
Club members warmly welcomed Ms. Freed’s personal and inspirational speech.  She received a warm standing ovation at the conclusion of her classification talk.