RYLA     Recipients.  Jamie Hill and Cassandra Mah.

2 of our group of 5 students that went for the leadership weekend.  All 5 were from Van Tech School.  Both grade 11 students.  They met the others for the weekend on the Dock at Horse Shoe bay to take the ferry to Camp Potlatch.

40 minutes later they arrived.

Having found their sleeping rooms they met for the first session, which was on communications.  Followed by the meditation group where they learned to step back from Stress.

That night a campfire with songs of course.

Then they learned to serve others.  A good start for a future Rotarian. They learned the four-way test and how to apply it to others.

They did skits and had a lot of fun doing them.

Good weather cheered the groups on.

Polar bear swim was a little chilly.

Secrets of success and how to further your goals followed, as they looked at a Future you.

If you shot for the moon then you will end up in the stars.

Then they had a dance party and a variety show.

Next day was Kayaking, archery and rock climbing.

Followed by a tug of war.

On Sunday morning came the difficult part.  To say goodbye!

The Youth Exchange students were there so we met people from around the world.

123 all told so we made a group hug.

There were 8 junior leaders.

5 adult leaders and about 20 adult helpers.

We learned to make our own volunteer opportunities so we might start with making a Rotoract club at Van Tech high school.

Teddie thanked the students