Posted by Lydia Marston-Blaauw
On April 5th we had Janet McManus, the manager from the netCAD Blood for Research Facility speak to us about their very important work.  It is part of Canadian Blood Services and drives world-class innovation in blood products for  transfusion, cellular therapy, and transplants.  It is also an independent non-profit agency linked to a world-wide network of  blood product agencies.  However, it is also one-of a kind in the world, doing this work on a national Canadian-wide level and making our blood services one of the best internationally. They supply blood products for researchers all across Canada for virus research and many other health and blood-related issues. They also test the equipment  used for collection, transfusion and storage of blood products.
 She explained how the blood they collect is separated into its 3 or more  component parts – all of which have a different “shelf-life” for use in hospitals and  trauma centres.  For instance, trauma doctors in the military require very  particular and special services in this regard.   Janet also told us how donors who have been told they are not eligible to donate blood can donate, at the research site, for research purposes.  Their blood is also used to help improve processes at our Canadian Blood Services Agency.For those wanting to donate to this unique agency, Janet explained that they have donor days on Mondays and Wednesdays and can take 45 donors in one day, no waiting!  Parking is paid for and sometimes they provide pizza!                   
Janet also told us how donors who have been told they are not eligible to donate   blood can donate, at the research site, for research purposes.  Their blood is also used to help improve processes at our Canadian Blood Services Agency.     
      Several Rotarians and visitors attended the meeting specifically to learn more about this unique opportunity because due to extensive travel, place of birth or  other health factors they have not been able to donate and would very much like to do so.   Our own member, Mary Stark, sprang into action and got all the details so that  club members could join a group donation day when we can donate together.  For those more inclined to act independently, you can find out if you may be eligible to donate at netCAD, you can also contact them directly:
Email: Phone: 604-221-5515           Address: University Marketplace (at UBC) 207-2150 Western Parkway