Another great month is up ahead. With two events (or 3 if you include the Kona Sunrise Club). October 21st from 8 to 11am is our shredding event. Need a few helping hands, but more than anything need to get the word out. Last year it was slow and we want to make a difference.

As many of you know the Sunrise Club will have their annu-al fund raiser “Pig and Swig” that same evening. I have al-ready received emails from some of you wanting tickets. I will have some and put together our own table. Then of course, Larry and I would like to in-vite anyone who wants to come to the Elks Halloween Party on Oct. 28. I will have more details when I get back in two weeks. Donna, (bless her heart) had given me enough time to get this out for the newsletter, but someone (wonder who) got busy with the trip planning and then Habitat.

Speaking of the Habitat Blitz, y’all made me so proud. Incredible support from members of our club. Steve Pine couldn’t make Thursday, but he worked on a house of a friend on Friday, his day off.
Words of wisdom……”keep on truckin.”