Dear Fellow Rotarians:
I am one of the luckiest people to belong to the Rotary Club of Kona Mauka.  When the Board and all our committee members met and I explained my limited ability to participate in the club because of the new job, I was overwhelmed by the support I received.  Right off the bat Eric jumped in and said “how can we help you.”  Special blessings go to Sharon who offered and is handling “grants.”  And another huge special thanks goes to Adam, who volunteered to attend all the President’s meeting and will keep us informed.
So I can proudly finish the job.
More thanks go out to Adam, Eric, Sharon, Donna and Gabriella who are part of the nomination committee.  Adam announced the following have stepped up to volunteer for the 2018-2019 Board of Directors.
Adam as you know is our current PE and will be our next President.  Lisa has volunteered to serve as Secretary and PE.  Carol has volunteered to join Eric as Co-Treasurer.  So we are off to a great start.
Remember there is always room for more, if there is a committee you would like to join then come on down, all are welcome.
Now, the big one…….our annual Valentine’s Day Wine Tasting Event.  This is it….all hands on deck.  Ticket sales, auction items (please contact Gabriella on this as she is in charge and knows what kind of items she is looking for).  And overall volunteers for the actual event itself.  Special thanks to Dave and Bob who started working on this immediately following last years successful event.
Hopefully everyone made it through the holidays, with the least amount of weight gain and enjoyed your friends and family.
I look forward to continuing to serve you and here’s to a fabulous 2018.
Thank you all, Laura