Posted by Ellen Witherly

October 11, 2018 - Hans Seidemann, Fair Vote BC

Hans Seidemann spoke to the club about the upcoming referendum on a possible change to the province's electoral system to proportional representation.
This was an engaging and well received presentation with many questions from club members.  Mr. Seidemann informed us that the ballot is mail-in, beginning on October 22, and ending November 30.  Hans stressed the importance of checking that your voter registration is current, so that you receive your ballot.
There will be two questions on the ballot:
Stay with current first past the post? or
Proportional Representation?
If selecting proportional, you rank the 3 possible options provided.  Hans also referred us to the How We Vote website where you can read the 2018 Electoral Reform Referendum Report and Recommendations of the Attorney General.
Unfortunately, time did not allow a full outline of the three options under proportional representation option, but there is a public presentation at the library this evening.