On Wednesday, 17 July, The Flatonia Rotary Club held its first meeting with newly elected President Pat Nickerson opening the meeting. Nickerson welcomed District 5870 Governor Todd Smith and District Governor Elect (DGE) Todd Smith for their their official visit. Each new Rotary year, the District Governor (DG) makes a visit to each of the 57 clubs in the distict, which gives the Governor an opportunity to communicate directly with the club members, and recognize individual Rotarians and outstanding projects. DG Doug Smith is a member of Rotary Club of Temple-South and DGE Todd Smith, who will be Disrict Governor in 2025-2026, is a member of the Rotary Club of Georgetown. Bernie Satterwhite, member of the Flatonia Rotary and Assistant Governor to the District Governor, introduced DG Smith, who gave an inpirational presentation on his themes, goals, and events for this year in Rotary District 5870. “We’re going to have a great year by continuing our service projects, giving to the Rotary Foundation, growing our membership, and serving our communities, as the Flatonia Rotary Club has done in the past,” emphasized Smith.
After the Governor’s presentation the club welcomed guest Alex Hernandez invited by Rotarian Tammy Collins and then gathered for a a potluck meal and fellowship, which was enjoyed by all.
(l-r) Club President Pat Nickerson, DG Doug Smith, AG Bernie Satterwhite
Service Above Self
Flatonia, TX 78941
United States of America