Est. 1962
We meet In Person
Thursdays at 12:15 p.m.
57th Fighter Group Restaurant
3829 Clairmont Road
Atlanta, GA 30341
United States of America
We meet in person at the 57th Restaurant on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Thursdays of each month. If you are interested in attending, please send an email to:
Volunteers gathering for fellowship before disbursing into the community to pick up home medical equipment -- August 3, 2024
The 12th Annual home medical equipment collection event for FODAC is in the books!  On August 3, 2024 our community of rotarians and rotaractors came together on the back patio of the 57th Fighter Group Restaurant to organize into groups who were then assigned to go into the community to pick up donated home medical equipment.  This equipment is then refurbished by FODAC at their Stone Mountain site, and distributed back out to those in the community in need, generally for free or at a very low cost.
Over the previous 11 years that North Atlanta Rotary Club has organized this event, we have collected equipment totaling about $2,000,000 in value (verified by FODAC).  Over the last 9 or so years North Atlanta Rotary Club has organized this project with the cooperation and participation of our fellow Dekalb Rotary Council Clubs: Atlanta Metro, Brookhaven, Decatur, Dunwoody, Emory Druid Hills, North Atlanta, South DeKalb, Stone Mountain, Tucker, the Atlanta and Metro Atlanta Rotaract Clubs, the North DeKalb Lions Club, and friends and family members.  Yesterday we gathered about 70 volunteers, including Dist Gov Gordon Owens and his wife Ashley.  We made 43 pickups around the greater Metro area from Chamblee, Doraville, Stone Mountain, Snellville, Sandy Springs, Smyrna, Marietta to Roswell. 
Our gratitude to all those involved:  Volunteer and Event coordinator NAR PP Ralph Sims, all of the volunteers, the 57th Fighter Group Restaurant, the FODAC staff, and especially the donors from our communities.  THANK YOU!  We couldn't accomplish this project without each of YOU!
Here are just a few photos to share from the day.
Each year the eight member clubs of the DeKalb Rotary Council honor local area Teachers and fellow Rotarians at its Awards Breakfast. 
This year our club's Teacher honoree is Karessa Carter, Media Specialist at Doraville United Elementary School (seen below, center).  Ms Carter's passion is to inspire students' love of books and reading.  She is also an avid seeker of new instructional technology to enhance the learning experience of students. 
We were honored to have the recipients of the last three years all together at the awards breakfast this year.
NARotary honored these Teachers of the Year from Doraville United Elementary School:   
Jodie Cohen 2021-22, Karessa Carter 2023-24, Sanna Sallah 2022-23
The DeKalb Rotary Council gave a special recognition award to North Atlanta Rotary Club President Mike Emanuel for his service to the Council over the years.
North Atlanta Rotary Club recognized fellow rotarian Barbara Bush
as it's "Show Rotary Cares" recipient
Attending the Award breakfast this year:  (L-R back row) Ms Sallah, Ms Perez, Principal, Ms Cohen, Ms Carter (Doraville United Elementary)
rotarians: Catherine Bernard, Pres Elect, Mike Emanuele, President, Don Millen, and Dr Ralph Peeler 
(L-R front row) Jon Yaeger and Barbara Bush 
#DoravilleUnitedElementary #Rotary6900
The Rotary Club of North Atlanta (RCNA) is partnering with Rotary clubs in Texas, North Carolina, and Addis Ababa on a Global Grant project in Ethiopia (Global Grant GG2240039). The project focuses upon women who have already had one child with spina bifida or anencephaly (serious birth defects known collectively as neural tube defects or NTDs), because these women have a 10X higher risk of having another child with an NTD. The chief cause of these defects is a dietary lack of inexpensive folic acid (also called vitamin B9). Providing these women with supplemental folic acid pills before they become pregnant should greatly reduce their chances of having another baby with an NTD. The project entails identifying and recruiting approximately 1,850 of these women at high risk; supplying them with one-a-day high-dosage vitamin B9 tablets; and then tracking the birth outcomes. The project is initially specified for a year, but the goal is to extend it for an additional four years.
Recently 800,000 vitamin pills (a year's supply) were manufactured in India and shipped to a hospital in Addis for less than $5,000 USD. The accompanying photo shows our Ethiopian partners with the delivered shipment. The pills are being distributed to patients, and the project is now underway.
Ethiopia has a relatively high incidence of NTDs, but spina bifida (caused by folic acid deficiency) is a global problem: an estimated 300,000 babies are affected each year. Many die before or at birth; those who survive often suffer from paralysis and incontinence, and shorter life spans due to complications. Survivors require lifelong special care, which burdens their families and society at large.
There is burgeoning awareness within Rotary of the need to take action for prevention as well as care for spina bifida patients: this past spring, R.I. President Jennifer Jones visited a Spina Bifida clinic in Columbia. The upcoming January issue of Rotary magazine will feature a story about Rotary and NTDs.
Additional details about the project are published on R.I.s "Rotary Showcase" and the "Rotary Grant Center."
Collaborating for a DAY OF SERVICE!
September 11-17 of this year is Celebrate Community Week.  John Hewko, the General Secretary and CEO of Rotary International wrote, “we’re encouraging Rotary and Rotaract clubs to partner with local Kiwanis, Lions, and Optimist clubs on a service project that will have a long-term impact in your community.”
The Rotary Club of North Atlanta (RCNA) and the DeKalb Rotary Council got a head start on August 5th.
For the past ten years, the RCNA has hosted a used medical equipment collection day for FODAC (Friends of Disabled Adults and Children – a local non-profit that gathers, refurbishes and distributes wheelchairs, hospital beds, and other medical gear large and small to those in need).  This year we were joined by a local Lions club as well as many other DeKalb Rotary Council Clubs and Rotaract clubs.
Volunteers at the event teamed up to drive to locations in the greater metro area. A total of 57 volunteers consisting of representatives from seven Rotary clubs (North Atlanta, Dunwoody, Brookhaven, Emory Druid Hills, South DeKalb, Stone Mountain and Atlanta Metro), the North DeKalb Lions Club, and Rotaractors from Atlanta Metro and Sao Paulo, Brazil comprised ten teams.  These teams accomplished a total of 35 pickups gathering home medical equipment and supplies from the very generous donors of Atlanta.
Jon Yaeger, current Club Program Chair and past president of the RCNA, and former chair of the DeKalb Rotary Council joined the local Lions Club in 2019 in-part to foster opportunities for the two volunteer organizations to collaborate and partner on projects. He is serving as president of the North DeKalb Lions Club this year.  This project is the first collaboration of the year between RCNA and the ND Lions.
According to Yaeger, “partnering with other Rotary clubs and volunteer organizations is an excellent way to bring new energy into a club, as well as to multiply the good we can do through service projects.  It also helps to recapture some of the energy and enthusiasm that dissipated during Covid, while exemplifying the Rotary 4-Way Test.” and motto of Service above Self.
Exemplary Service Award Recipients
Each year the DeKalb Rotary Council offers its eight member clubs the opportunity to honor and recognize teachers and fellow rotarians for their exemplary service.  This year the Rotary Club of North Atlanta honored the following well deserving individuals for their ongoing work to improve the lives of others.
Ms Sanna Sallah a 3rd grade teacher at Doraville United Elementary was chosen as our "Teacher of the Year".
Ms Sallah was born in The Gambia, West Africa the youngest of 8 children.  Her father died when she was only 6.  Her mother raised the family on her own and was a strong advocate for education of her children and many other children in the community.  Once she finished high school Ms Sallah moved to the United States to join three of her brothers and to go to college in Atlanta where she studied marketing management.  After graduation she went into business for herself.  Her initial experience in education was as a substitute teacher of special needs/extremely disabled children.  This is where she discovered her calling as a teacher.  Ms Sallah is extremely dedicated to her students and is highly regarded by her colleagues as a woman of integrity.  She is a dedicated mother of two beautiful daughters.
PP Jon Yaeger, President Mike Emanuele, Sanna Sallah, Teacher of the Year, Jodie Cohen (last year's Teacher of the Year recipient and 3rd grade cohort partner with Ms Sallah), and Dr Jesse Berger, Principal , Doraville United Elementary
Dr Ralph Peeler, past president of the North Atlanta Rotary Club 2015-16, received the “Show Rotary Cares” award for his ongoing leadership of the 5-year project to reduce the Spina Bifida birth defect in Ethiopia, and his Herculean perseverance with the RF Global Grant preparation and involved process, including the fundraising efforts needed to fund this long term project. The grant is now on the brink of being approved by the Rotary Foundation.  This, along with District matching funds, will quadruple the funds we are raising for the project!  The five-year project goal is $250,000. 
Thank you Dr Peeler for your ongoing service and Congratulations!
Laurence Sharp, Ralph Peeler, Darlene Evans and Bill Smith
Past club president Jon Yaeger was nominated by the club to the Council for the “You are the Key” award. 
Jon joined North Atlanta Rotary in 1994 and has served in various leadership capacities in the club including as Club President 2014-2015. During his presidential year he won the prestigious Sheffield Leadership Award from the District.  In 2015-16 Jon served as the DeKalb Rotary Council Chair.
Among a wide array of service, Jon is very active in health prevention and treatment programs including his ongoing efforts with various public health initiatives and collaborative efforts to bring individuals and organizations together for more inclusive service delivery, local & global.  Currently Jon's efforts have been primarily directed toward working with Dr Peeler on the 5-year project to reduce the birth defect Spina Bifida in Ethiopia and supporting the pending RF Global Grant. 
Jon is the well deserving recipient of this prestigious "You are the Key" award from the DeKalb Rotary Council.  Congratulations Jon!
Laurence Sharp, Lorri Christopher, Jon Yaeger, Darlene Evans and Bill Smith
FODAC Collection Event -- Once again, a SMASHING SUCCESS!
63 volunteers came together for the benefit of others in our community - Thank You to each and every one!
On August 6, 2022 we held the 9th annual collection event for FODAC (Friends of Disabled Adults and Children) and it was an overwhelming success by any standard!  63 volunteers consisting of Rotarians, Rotaractors, Lions, family and friends from North Atlanta (15 vols), Emory Druid Hills (8 vols), Brookhaven (6 vols), Dunwoody (11 vols), Stone Mountain (1 vol), Tucker (1vol), South DeKalb (2vols), and Atlanta Metro (5vols) Rotary Clubs,  along side (11vols) Atlanta Metro and Atlanta Rotaractors, and North DeKalb and Atlanta Arirang Lions (2 vols) gathered for breakfast and organized into 14 teams on the patio of the 57th Fighter Squadron Restaurant in Chamblee.  Volunteers provided 2 box trucks, 4 high roof vans, 3 regular vans, 5 pickup trucks and 5 trailers, along with several SUVs to make 44 home medical equipment pickups from donors in downtown Atlanta to Roswell, to Milton, to Lawrenceville to Stone Mountain. 
Rotaractors from Atlanta Metro and Atlanta Rotaract Clubs - Thank you for all that you did!
This year a hot breakfast, snacks, sandwiches and drinks were prepared and provided by volunteers from the Emory Druid Hills Rotary Club and Atlanta Metro Rotaract Club.  Many thanks to all the volunteers, in particular PP Manoj Barot (Emory Druid Hills Rotary) and PP Natalie Barot (Atlanta Metro Rotaract) for organizing these efforts and volunteers.  What a fantastic upgrade of support for all the volunteers on this hot day in August. You kept us hydrated and nourished!
Emory Druid Hills (EDH) Rotarians and Metro Atlanta Rotaractors enjoying fellowship at breakfast
FODAC CEO and Stone Mountain Rotary PP Chris Brand and North Atlanta Rotary PP Nathan Aberson
After event coordinator and North Atlanta Rotary (NAR) Club Past President Ralph Sims divided us into our respective groups and gave us our maps of pick up locations, we disbursed into the community to collect an estimated $410,000 worth of medical equipment and supplies!  The largest haul yet for this one-day collection event for the benefit of FODAC. 
Rotarians Manoj Barot (EDH PP) and Ismail Ghanchi (EDH Service Chair) and FODAC Event Coordinator Ralph Sims (NAR PP)
Rotary and Rotaract volunteers cleaning up after the big day, and we're still smiling!
Many thanks go to our event coordinator Ralph Sims for his tireless efforts to organize us and all of the volunteers who worked so hard on this very hot day, and to the community members who so generously donated items to FODAC for refurbishment and reconditioning before being distributed back out to those in need, most often at no cost to the recipient.  Several motorized scooters, hospital beds, electric and manual wheel chairs, walkers, canes, and various medical supplies were among the items collected in all of the donated vans, trucks and trailers. 
Volunteers, family and Rotarians working together for FODAC.  Kay and NAR President Mike Emanuele 2nd & 3rd from left
Masarrat Husain and Dick Michell, North Atlanta Rotarians
Thank you donors for your generosity!
Metro Atlanta Rotaract President Amit Jain, North Atlanta Rotary PP Barbara Bush and Metro Atlanta Rotaract PP Natalie Barot
Thank you to the 57th Fighter Squadron Restaurant for use of their patio for breakfast and their back parking lot for our staging and collection areas.  It truly took a village, and we are grateful to everyone who participated, and to the support from the donors in our communities from downtown Atlanta to Roswell, to Milton, to Lawrenceville to Stone Mountain.  They are truly a generous lot helping those who are in need of the medical equipment and supplies they donated.
North Atlanta Rotary PP Jon Yaeger and Stacy Michell
Thank you donors!
Thank you volunteers!
Bill Smith, Brookhaven Rotary Club
volunteers unloading donated medical equipment
Rotaractors and Rotarians having fun while doing community service!
Stone Mtn Rotarian and FODAC CEO Chris Brand, Emory Druid Hills Rotarians Chatu Chhabahay, PP and Ismail Ghanchi, Service Chair
Dunwoody Rotary Club volunteers
FODAC staff supporting the volunteers and doing a lot of the heavy lifting! Thank you!
Volunteer Chris Flowers and FODAC staff
unloading is hard work too!
Rotarians Rick Otness, Duwoody Club and Bill Smith, Brookhaven Club
Lions and Rotarians coming together in service
Rotarians and Rotaractors in service
Staging area for drop off at the 57th Fighter Group Restaurant's back parking lot.  Thank you!
FODAC is a non-profit organization located in Stone Mountain; it provides a place for collection and refurbishment, and then redistribution of used medical equipment and supplies to members of the local community as well as those in need across the country and internationally.  Their mission:  "With a strong network of volunteers and partners, FODAC provides refurbished equipment and services for adults and children with disabilities to improve their overall quality of life. Over the years, our model to assist individuals with disabilities has remained the same: to provide free or low-cost wheelchairs and other home medical equipment (HME), vehicle and home adaptations and more. Above all, our staff is like a family that works together to make every day a little easier, and a little more affordable, for people in need."
The Rotary Club of North Atlanta, formerly the Rotary Club of North DeKalb turned sixty this year!  WOW!
On July 16, 2022 we celebrated the Club's 60th Anniversary along with our 2021-22 Rotary year accomplishments under President Christopher Drew, and the induction of our new 2022-23 administration under President Mike Emanuele.  Congratulations North Atlanta Rotary for serving our community for the past 60 years!!!
Immediate Past President Christopher Drew speaking on our 60 years as a Rotary Club 
Incoming President Mike Emanuel with grandchildren Jack and Emmy and Past President Christopher Drew 
PP Don Millen was recognized as the longest active club member.  Don joined Rotary in 1968 when PP Asa Dick Phillips was President.  Dick is now an Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of North Atlanta.
Don Millen sharing some stories from his 55 years in the club.
Donna Bazemore, PP Lou Alvarado and Incoming President Mike Emanuele enjoying some fellowship before dinner.
PP Ralph Peeler and Past Club AG Lorri Christopher enjoying a moment.
AG and PP Ceasar Gaiters of the South DeKalb Rotary Club and NAR PP Nathan Aberson and PP Garry Guan talking story
Ann Miller and rotarian Mary Frances Richardson sharing a laugh
Mr Pietkiewicz, Christopher Drew, Nathan Aberson, Paulin Guan, Stacy and Sydney Drew
PP Ralph Sims and PP Don Millen sharing fellowship 
PP Barbara Bush and Incoming & PP Mike Emanuel
PP Garry Guan and Paulina Guan talking with PP John Strickland
Incoming President Mike with grandchildren Emmy and Jack Thompson leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance 
Don Millen, Charlie, Matt and Hawley Wetzel (parents), and Incoming President Mike Emanuele (Grandpa)
Charlie became our first Paul Harris Fellow of the 2022-23 Rotary Year!
Mr. Pietkiewicz, Andy Pietkiewicz, Jason Wu and Mrs Wu 
Andy and Jason were two of our 2022 Scholarship recipients.  Andy is now attending Georgia Tech and Jason is attending Emory University. 
(Not picture is scholarship recipient Sanjeev Anand who is attending Georgia Tech.) All three recipients were active Chamblee Charter HS Interact Club members.
Starr Millen and rotarians Mary Frances Richardson and PP Ralph Peeler sharing stories.
Incoming President Mike Emanuele taking a moment with Past AG Lorri Christopher
Stacy and Immediate Past President Christopher Drew receiving accolades and our appreciation for a job well done!  Thank you.
Incoming President Mike Emanuele surprised Stacy with flowers of appreciation for her support and encouragement throughout the year. 
President Mike Emanuele sharing his vision for the new rotary year.  Congratulations Mike!
The new First Family of the Rotary Club of North Atlanta
Mark, Leslie, Jack and Emmy Thompson (front row)
President Mike and Kay Emanuele, Matt, Charlie and Hawley Wetzel (back row)
On Saturday, March 26th volunteers from the Rotary Club of North Atlanta and the Chamblee Charter High school Interact Club  came together with volunteers from the broader community to join in the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper's "Sweep the Hooch" cleanup event.  Rotarians and family members, Interactors and community members gathered at two local cleanup sites:  Murphy-Candler Park and Lake site and the Peachtree Greenway site.  With the generous hours of service given, the waterways, trails and parks are more pristine and beautiful for Spring!
Volunteers from CCHS Interact Club ready to clean up at Murphy Candler Park & Lake
Interactors cleaning up in the park (above) and along the stream bed (below)
Peachtree Greenway site 
Stacy and Cassidy Drew gearing up for the cleanup at Peachtree Greenway.
Thank you to our Rotary, family and Interact volunteers for your efforts!  Special thanks to Amanda Stewart for organizing us!
These periodic cleanups held all over the greater Atlanta area are organized by the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper.  For more information or to volunteer for future "Sweep the Hooch" events go to Chattahoochee Riverkeeper at:
These cleanup efforts are always so needed and very productive.  Please join in the fun next time!
At the DeKalb Rotary Council's Annual Breakfast where educators and rotarians are honored, the Rotary Club of North Atlanta chose to honor 2nd Grade teacher Jodie Cohen of the Doraville United Elementary School.  Ms Cohen was recognized for her extraordinary service and dedication to her students.  Congratulations Ms Cohen, and thank you for all you do for education and the students!
L to R:  rotarian Cynthia Edwards, Jodie Cohen (honoree), Dr Jesse Berger, principal Doraville United Elementary, Christopher Drew, president North Atlanta Rotary Club
Support for the Homeless
For the past twenty or so years volunteers from the Rotary Club of North Atlanta have provided service for the homeless men downtown at the downtown shelter.  This year was no different.
At our recent Club meeting we created 100 goodie bags for the men at the shelter.  Each bag included zip lock bags, pairs of socks, hand warmers, hand wipes, masks, and a note from the Rotary club.  We distributed these goodies at the shelter on Thursday, February 24th when we also deliver 100 dinners and 100 bag lunches we made that day.
A couple of our volunteers stayed over night as chaperones for those lucky few homeless that were able to stay indoors this year.  Rotarians Don and Mike were on duty throughout the night.  Other homeless men stay in some 70 tents assembled on the grounds.
Club members and guests after packing up the 100 Goodie Bags.  Thank you!
Goodie bag contents:  two pairs of socks, two sets of hand warmers, 3 zip lock gallon bags, two black masks, a package of 20 wet ones and a note from the Rotary Club. 
Don Millen, our tireless project leader who procured fried chicken, apple sauce, potato salad,
and dessert for dinner and all the makings for lunch -- two sandwiches, fruit, cookies and water.
Jim Greco packing up lunch bags
Jon Yaeger helping to make 100 lunches
Starr Millen and Mary Frances Richardson making 100 dinners
Club President Christopher Drew lending a hand packing lunches
Our volunteer lunch and dinner crew -- Thank you for your service!
front row: Starr, Mary Frances, Christopher
back row: Don, Jim, Nathan and Mike
(missing from photo Jon and Barbara) 
Helping out those in Need this holiday season!
Once again North Atlanta Rotary served our community in various ways this holiday season.  Here's a couple of examples from service done on Saturday, December 18, 2021.
With the help of family and the CCHS Interact Club, rotarians volunteered to "Ring the Bell" for the Salvation Army in front of the Chamblee WalMart.  We had young and old represented with grandkids, CCHS Interactors, to grandparents!
the youngest:  Jack and Emmy
these two sang the whole time they were out front bell ringing and garnered much praise!
Grateful to have Leslie and Mark in their special Christmas sweaters to support the efforts!
Rotarian Dick Michell checking in with Anika, Harper and Andrew, three of the several CCHS Interactors that came out to support NARotary and the Salvation Army. 
Juliet and rotarian Lance Reising showed up in festive colors!
Rotarian Jim Hobbs with his welcoming smile supporting the Salvation Army!
Rotarians Pat Thomas, Nathan Aberson and Barbara Bush were also present to greet the shoppers!
Apologies to all of the volunteers I didn't get photos of including CCHS Interactors Riasha, Journee, Mehezabin, and NAR Club President Christopher Drew and family, and our project volunteer coordinator President elect Mike Emanuele.  THANK YOU everyone!
Supporting Nicholas House Families
Also on Saturday we delivered $1300.00 worth of gifts to the Nicholas House for five children and their families who are in the NH transitional housing program.  Unfortunately we forgot to take any photos of the haul we delivered -- it included lots of clothing items, coats, boots and some fun things like nail polish, candy, a tablet, basketball hoop, crystal maze game, some developmental games, books, a bicycle and WalMart gift certificates for the Parents.  
We hope the families that received these gifts will have a very Merry Christmas this year!
THANK YOU to the many NAR rotarians who made this all possible with donations to the project, to Kathleen McKinley for organizing the shopping efforts and project coordinator Barbara Bush.
Another very successful Whiskies of the World (WOW) event was accomplished last evening with the help of our superb volunteers! By all accounts the participants had a great time and the volunteers were stellar. 
Special thanks go to NAR PPs Nathan Aberson and Ralph Sims for their outstanding organizing leadership and volunteer support.   
Pictured here are a few of our late evening crew with NAR Club President Christopher Drew (seated left) and PP Nathan Aberson, Event Coordinator (seated right).
THANK YOU everyone involved, you helped raise funds for the Rotary Club of North Atlanta Foundation. The Foundation will contribute these funds toward programs supporting the homeless, those with food insecurity, various literacy initiatives, people in need with disabilities, an international water well project as well as several local youth programs.  We couldn't do it without all of you!  THANK YOU!
Pictured here are some of our volunteers at the end of the evening.  We're sorry we were so busy we forgot to take photos throughout the event and missed capturing several of our earlier crew members. 
Many Thanks to ALL of our volunteers!
Once again NAR Club provided Dictionaries to the students of Cary Reynolds Elementary School in Doraville.  Because of COVID and remote learning we were not able to deliver the dictionaries to the 3rd graders in the 2020-21 school year, so this year we delivered dictionaries to the school for both the current 3rd and 4th graders.  Although the students were back in the classroom, due to COVID Delta variant concerns, we were not able to go into the classrooms to deliver the dictionaries as we have in the past.  
Victoria Reisch, Cary Reynolds Academic Coach and NAR PP Barbara Bush 
showing the donated Spanish English and English Dictionaries
Prior to delivering the dictionaries we gathered at one of our lunch meetings to insert into the front of each dictionary a sticker with the Four Way Test on it, along with a name plate for each student.
Bill McLaughlin (back), PP Jon Yaeger, Masarrat Husain, President Christopher Drew and PP Nathan Aberson are seen here during our club meeting mini service event inserting the stickers into each dictionary.
NAR PP Ralph Peeler inducting the 2021-22 Interact Club Officers w/advisor Ms Andriano (far right)
Representing the NAR Club, PPs Ralph Peeler and Barbara Bush attended the induction ceremony of the Chamblee High School Interact Club. PP Ralph had the honor of installing the officers in front of approximately 80 of the Interact Club members.  NAR provided the well received pizza and refreshments after the ceremony.
Pizza Party after the 2021-22 Induction Ceremony
Once again, Chamblee Interact appears to be the "it" Club - with an aggregate membership of approximately 100+ members. Here is a link to their accomplishments in the 2020-2021 academic year - .  With creativity they were able to provide stellar service during the year of COVID and distance learning.  It's amazing what these students have accomplished!
This year, we as a Club are sponsoring a Rotary Region/District initiative called Youth Peace in Action ( This is a student lead initiative. The students will learn about peace initiatives and strategies during the Fall Semester, and then bring them to life in their respective schools during the Spring Semester.  We look forward to hearing about their accomplishments in this program and all their other service projects, some of which we hope to partner in with volunteers and/or funding.
Feb 13, 2025 12:15 PM
Feb 27, 2025 12:15 PM

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