Thank you to all the Rotarians, Partners and Friends who attended the District Changeover at Kil-more on the 1st July. Outside was wet and cold but inside we celebrated the end of a very suc-cessful year under PDG David Anderson who asked us to ‘Reach Within to Embrace Humanity‘. We also looked forward to the new Rotary year where we will endeavour to obtain ‘Peace through Service’.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate David on his year which was a year of new ideas and initiatives. Well done David.
The theme chosen by Rotary International President, Sakuji Tanaka is, Peace through Service
President Tanaka puts it this way-
“The concept of peace is one that differs among people and cultures, It may mean personal tran-quillity, happiness in the family, and a sense of inner contentment ‑- -- or it may mean a situation of safety where basic human needs are met. However we define peace, it is a goal that can be achieved though service’
I intend focusing on Service, the service that our clubs have been doing year after year after year. The service, which has not been recorded or publicised.

I have asked my club presidents to advise me on the service that their clubs do every month. This could be donating to a local sports club, running a craft market, or doing meals on wheels. It means listing down the hours that the members do, so that at the end of each month you can see at a glance, the total hours each club has done and the money the clubs have raised and donated.
I intend publishing the Service Report in this news-letter instead of the attendance reports. After all our theme is Peace through Service and NOT Peace through attendance.

Now don’t get me wrong, I believe that attending your club meetings is important; I personally have had 100% attendance for over 12 years. But I also believe that for us to attract younger members we need to focus on the Service we do and not the attendance.
The new Rotary Project ‘Learn Grow’ is Eileen part-ner’s project this year and I ask you to give it your support. If you would like to find out more about this great program just Google ‘Lean Grow’ or go to

John Gatt

District Governor 2012-2013
Rotary District 9790

Access to Gatt's Gazette is available as a link on our website