Rotary Club of Biloxi Recognizes Outstanding Educator 


The Rotary Club of Biloxi recently recognized an outstanding Biloxi educator with its annual Beverly Briscoe Award.  The award is given in memory of a long-time Biloxi Rotarian and former president of the club, Mr. Beverly Briscoe. 

This year’s recipient was Mrs. Kim Clemons.  Mrs. Clemons teaches 4th, 5th and 6th grade gifted students at Beauvoir and Jeff Davis.  Clemons uses a variety of creative teaching techniques and programs to keep the students engaged.  These include a Stock Market Game, which teaches students how to be good stewards of their money and CSI-Biloxi, which uses staged crime scene investigations to teach forensic science.

Beyond her role as a teacher at the school, Mrs. Clemons is an officer in the PTO, on the Superintendent’s Facility Committee and volunteers at a shelter for homeless families. 

The Rotary Club of Biloxi, chartered on Aug. 5, 1921, meets every Tuesday at noon at Mary Mahoney’s Old French House Restaurant