United States of America

We will be hosting a Rotary Reads event to help support the Maine-wide focus on reading to our youth.  Gene Pellerano is leading this project, so please check in with him if you can not sign up for a reading slot at our upcoming meetings.

Reading to young children is rewarding and reminds one of the joy in children’s smiles.  We are only looking for a 15 to 30 minute reading session at one of three sites on Tuesday February 19.  If you can join in this project please get back to me at ejpmaine@gmail.com by e-mail Sunday morning, we would love to have you read.


Tuesday February 19, 2019

Ellsworth Rotary Reads &

Maine Read to Me Challenge


Moore Center Ellsworth

1 class toddler. 9:30 or  10_____Jo Cooper. (time)_09:30

3 classes preschool 10- 11    ____Laurie Fogelman (time)_10:30



1 class preschool  3 - 4  (3 best)_______________(time)__________


Ellsworth Public Library

Story time 10:30 - 11:30. (Can be two readers) 4-5 yr olds

                                       __________________(time) 10:30

                                       Marian Wells       (time) 11:30__________


Beechland ymca Center

9-10.  1 preschool      __________________(time)__________

9-10.  1  toddler      __________________(time)__________

9-10.  1 infant      __________________(time)__________

10-11  1 preschool      __________________(time)__________

10-11  1 toddler      __________________(time)__________

10-11  2 infant      __________________(time)__________



General information;

If you can not make it for any reason please call where you are scheduled to read so the staff can reprogram the time.


At the YMCA properties This month theme is Valentines Day and Love , Heart Health and Dental Health,  the center will have books available to read.


Moore Center.   When arriving at the center to read, if reading to Preschoolers ask for Kassie Audette , for Toddlers please ask for Shauna Esposito-Caldwell.  If you can’t make it to the Moore Center for reading, please call the Center and let them know at 207-307-0324.


Ellsworth Public Library,  they have books contact is Keli Gancos. 667-6363
