Posted by Tom Connelie on Jul 30, 2017
Minutes of July 24, 2017
With newly installed Club President Bob Guerette in charge the meeting was called to order at 07:15. After welcoming guest speaker Put Armstrong to the meeting Bob led us all in the Pledge of Allegiance. He then called upon Pastor Bob Beaumont for the invocation. Bob then started the meeting by thanking Tom Connelie for his continuing efforts writing the minutes and Bob Davis for his long time, and still continuing service, as Program Chair.
Under announcements he said the Governor LePage would be speaking at the Brunswick Rotary Club meeting next Monday, July 31, and all local Rotarians were invited to attend. The meeting will be at “The Daniel” hotel on Water Street in Brunswick from noon until 1 PM. At Bob’s request I sent details and contact info for making reservations to all members following the meeting.
Bob then called upon Fred Burgess for Happy / Sad dollars.
Fred started it off with Bob Davis who had a happy dollar for having Put Armstrong as our speaker. Joel had a happy dollar for having a quiet weekend both personally and professionally (read no bad guys out this weekend). Bob Beaumont had a happy dollar for the opposite reason, not a quiet weekend, with loads (21 at one point) of family over and another happy dollar for the prospect of his son and family moving to Maine from the west coast. Bob said wife Libby is so excited that she is already out house hunting for them. Gordon had happy dollars for a milestone birthday (including donation to the foundation). Prez. Bob G had a happy dollar for a family reunion at his cottage in the County and attending the wedding of a family friend that included a barn danced with Contra dancing. Loads of fun! Fred had a happy dollar for Bob G taking over as Club President. Bob Beaumont closed it out with an update on member Bill Gillespie. He is on the list for a kidney transplant but the list moves slowly and his condition is deteriorating.
Bob Davis then introduced speaker Put Armstrong. Put is a senior consultant with JMH Associates, LLC and is under contract to serve as the Executive Director of the Maine Aviation Business Association (MABA). The Maine Aviation Business Association was formed in 2013 to coordinate, serve and represent the interests of aviation related business, both public and private, including airports, throughout the State. He relayed while everyone thinks of the Portland Jetport and Bangor International as the airports in Maine there are over 50 public airports in the state plus numerous heliports and seaplane bases. He relayed how representing Aviation interests in the State house and to national aviation organizations can have a positive major economic impact for the Maine economy. Airports frequently serve as economic hubs for local communities. Aircraft maintenance and overhaul is a growing industry and Maine needs aircraft maintenance related training programs at the local community colleges to provide the skilled personal for those careers. The MABA is the spokesperson articulating those needs to the educational community.
Again an informative and very interesting presentation. Thanks Bob and Put.
Tomorrow’s guest is District Governor Dave Underhill. Hope to see you all there.