• PolioPlus Rotary and Rotary Foundation corporate program that supports global polio eradication efforts
  • Community Service Projects that respond to the needs of local communities
  • Vocational Service Activity that encourages Rotary members to model high ethical standards and apply their business knowledge and skills to benefit others
  • International Service Projects that involve efforts from Rotary members in more than one country
  • Youth Service Programs and activities that engage youth and young adults up to age 30 in community and international service
  • New Generations Service Exchange Activity for young adults up to age 30 to conduct service or gain professional or vocational training in another country
  • Interact Service clubs for young people ages 12-18 
  • Rotary Youth Exchange Program that promotes international understanding and peace through long- and short-term exchanges for young people ages 15-19
  • Rotaract Service clubs for young professionals and university students ages 18-30 sponsored by their local Rotary club
  • Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)
  • Leadership training for youth, university students, and young adult professionals
  • Rotary Community Corps (RCC) Groups of non-Rotarian community members who work with their local Rotary club sponsor to assess communities and plan and implement service projects 
  • Rotary Fellowships International groups of Rotarians, Rotaractors, family members, program participants, and alumni who share a common hobby or recreational or vocational interest
  • Rotary Friendship Exchange Exchange program between international districts that allow Rotarians and non-Rotarians to explore new cultures and customs and build friendships, which often lead to international project partners
  • Rotarian Action Groups (RAGs) International groups of Rotarians, Rotaractors, family members, program participants, and alumni who join together to support clubs and districts with international projects related to an area of expertise
  • Rotary Peace Centers International educational program that offers a fellowship for a master’s degree or professional development certificate in peace and conflict resolution
  • District and Global Grants Financial support for clubs and districts to participate in humanitarian and educational activities locally and abroad