Change and Purposefulness for 2021-22

As a master facilitator for the Virtues Project International I always look at things in terms of the qualities evident and those that are needed to accomplish a goal.
We have had to make changes in every aspect of our lives. Throughout all the disruptions we have maintained our contributions to local and international projects. I applaud Denis’s commitment and faithfulness as he has faced a most difficult year. I know we all pledge our continuing support. Indeed, despite challenges, we do not give up,  we are people of action.

We know that the past few months have brought to light issues that lay dormant everywhere in our society and community. We know things will never be quite the same again. In such situations some people yearn for a return to a sometimes idealized past. Some just hope for an improved restoration. Still others are convinced we have the opportunity to create something new.

The district wants me to put together goals for next rotary year by March – Not too soon to be reflecting on what we need to keep and what we need to consider as no longer possible or even relevant. We will certainly use the survey that Allan has overseen. What changes have improved the club?. What changes remain to be made? What has been lost or neglected?

So the quality I see as needed for now is purposefulness. Obviously this gift is about setting a direction with quantifiable goals, but it also implies that in the flow of our lives there are many turns and unexpected events. Within it all, there are lessons to be learned and gifts to receive. Purposefulness is trusting the journey.
I know that my strengths are team building, working with diverse groups, helping people to think outside the box and in focussing on a goal. So I’ll welcome those with different and complementary skills.
This club may seem a little staid and traditional at first glance but underneath there beats a heart of passion and compassion. Personally in recent years I have brought a number of projects and received support. Of course while we were in Africa, Rod and I received a lot of support from the club and the district. I thank those boards. More recently I brought the tree at Christmas for the children’s hospital, clean water for a nurses college in Kenya, and the purse project . There have, of course, been many other projects from our fellow Rotarians. So if you have an idea, bring it on. I guarantee we will try our best to make it happen, if not this year, then in Rotary Year 2021-22.

Our purposefulness card says: we discern our true calling, we create a clear vision for this time, we set goals for achieving our purpose, we focus fully on what we are doing, we enjoy giving excellence to each task, we find the opportunity in every experience.

Over the next few months I will be talking to as many as possible to gather ideas and advice. We will produce a vision and a theme for the next rotary year and it won’t be business as usual. There is a range of opinion, but there is more that unites us than divides us. That unifying theme is Service above Self. Together we will be looking at how to put that into practice in our new context. I invite you to contact me by phone or email. I will certainly be calling as many of you as I can. You will not escape. Remember, we are people of action. If you would like a copy of the purposefulness card, just let me know.
Thank you for listening.