AFRICAN HEARTS (est. 2001) is an organization that focuses on the physical and emotional needs of children who were previously living on the streets in Kampala.
This is a project of the Rotary Club of Victoria -
These children are now housed and schooled where their basic needs are being addressed. We want to help AFRICAN HEARTS move beyond simply meeting their needs to providing them with a safe place for sports.

Team sports offer a great opportunity to socialize, to form friendships and to foster lasting values. To date, a multi-functioning sports facility has been created and is nearing the completion of Phase Four of a Five Phase plan. Your donation will enable the facility to improve the field surface and to ensure security by the construction of a fence to fully protect the participants and the property. Rental of the field will also generate income for maintenance and for the charity.

Allan Lingwood, a member of the Rotary Club of Victoria, has been in monthly communication for the last 15 years with Abdul Lutaaya (Executive Director) who spearheads the project in Uganda and will personally ensure that your donation is applied directly to the AFRICAN HEARTS Sports Facility.
Total amount raised: $7000
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