Coldest Night of the Year

The Victoria Rotarians have created a team – Victoria's Raging Rotarians – to participate in the 2024 Coldest Night of the Year Walk. The goal is for Victoria-area clubs to participate, including INTERACT and ROTARACT, and raise $10,000 for Our Place. In 2022 and 2023 we raised over $5000 each year - let's do better in 2024!

The group will make our Coldest Night of the Year walk to support the less fortunate at 10:30 AM on Saturday, Feb 24. We plan to start at Ogden Point, progress through Beacon Hill Park and James Bay, ending back where we started.
All proceeds go to support the Our Place Society.
                      Raising funds can be fun, too!

Date: Saturday, Feb 24, 2024
Time: 10:30
Place: Ogden Point ( should be lots of parking)
Distance: To the east end of Beacon Hill & back via James Bay is 5 km
Post-walk: Meet and have lunch at the James Bay Inn
Contact: Gordon Greeniaus for more information
Join our team and help us maximize our donations! (See the link below)
To join the team or to donate to the team follow the link
(1) To donate to a team member, click on the donate to team button, select the team member's name to sponsor, then follow the instructions to fill in your CC information. You get the tax receipt, but help the team member reach their target goal.
(2) To join the team, click on the join the team button. You will have to create an account with a password so you can track the progress of the team, track donations to your name and send out emails to potential sponsors for your walk. 
Charitable tax receipts are issued electronically for all donations of $20 or more.
All the proceeds from people who sponsor us will go to help the Our Place Society.

Coldest Night of the Year Information
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Registration started on Dec 1, 2023. 

Covid-related health risks and operational challenges might not permit us to assemble in large groups in most locations again this year. So instead, we can plan to gather together safely, self-organizing individually or in smaller, covid-friendly teams as permitted.

  • Virtual Walk: Participants will self-organize individually or in team bubbles selecting their own safe walk route near home at a time convenient for them. 
  •  Date: While we encourage everyone to walk on our national event day of February 25, virtual fundraisers can select any day in February to walk if they wish. 
  •  No Registration Fee: The registration fee is no more! Everyone is welcome to come and support their local CNOY charity. (To be confirmed)
  •  Thank You Toques: This year, participants who raise a modest minimum will receive their own CNOY toque as our thank you for fundraising! ($150 for adults 18 and over, $75 for youth 17 and under) (To be confirmed)
  •  Cash + Cheques: There’ll be no cash or cheque collection on event day this year - this will keep everyone a little safer, and reduce the organizing strain on busy CNOY charities