Jun 21, 2018
Mayor Young

Stewart Young was born and raised in Langford, B.C., and has served as Mayor for the past 25 years. He has been elected for seven consecutive terms, one of the longest serving Mayors in Canada.
Over the course of the past 25 years and under the leadership of Mayor and Council, Langford has evolved from a sleepy under-developed community to one that is often referred to as one of the most progressive and innovative cities in North America. Langford has a proven track record for successful partnerships with local businesses to grow the local economy and realize a sustainable city. Once having an unemployment rate of over 20 percent, Langford now has a vibrant economy and revitalized downtown core with many business opportunities.
Langford prides itself on putting family-oriented communities first and provides a variety of housing options from townhouses and condos to stand alone houses in a range of pricing. Langford has maintained and installed a multitude of improvements to its parks, trails and recreational centres for the enjoyment of its residents.
Building on its success with Rugby Canada, Golf Canada, the national Mountain Bike team, and Boxing Canada, Langford continues to pursue and build its brand to be the sport tourism destination for the Province of British Columbia.
Come and visit us, you may surprise yourself and stay longer than planned.