Posted on Jul 24, 2019
Latest Global Grant Approval
For your consideration - at your next club meeting contribute a happy dollar to celebrate our latest approved Global Grant and remind your members of the good use to which their contributions are put. The small city of Petrich is located in southwestern Bulgaria, near the border with Greece. It's lone hospital has grossly inadequate and old maternal health equipment which results in many women with complicated or difficult pregnancies travel to distant cities for services. A real problem for women of limited financial means. The Grant, approved last month, will provide new and up-to-date neonatal care equipment allowing early diagnosis of possible complications and effective treatment and provide training for staff. As you know, Maternal and Child Health is one of Rotary's Six Areas of Focus. The grant totals $72,273. Six District 7780 clubs contributed (Portsmouth, Saco Bay Sunset, Sanford-Springvale, South Berwick-Eliot, South Portland-Cape Elizabeth, and Yarmouth), and the District put in $7,714 in DDF.  This grant is a direct consequence of the International Outreach exchange we had with Bulgaria in 2014-15. One of the Bulgarians who visited us on the exchange and hosted our team that went there is now District Governor in Bulgaria and reached out to us. It is very important that Rotarians know about how their money is being spent and this is another great example to remind them.
Lawrence Furbish
District 7780 Foundation Committee Chair