Posted by Gayle Demko on Sep 30, 2017
Suffield Rotary Club Meeting Minutes-September 26, 2017
Opening and Welcome:  Charles Roumas opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and the recitation of the Rotary Four-Way Test and Scott Seabury led the club in “God Bless America”.  
Members Present: Dale Baker, Gayle Demko, Frank DiGennaro, Natalie Donais, Ralph Fletcher, Jackie Guzie, Gail Handley, Greg Heineman, Heidi Huhn Partain, Jonathan Kozloski, Don Miner,  Jack Muska, Ken Pascoe, Roger Pratt, Jay Presser, Charles Roumas, Scott Seabury, Gordon Stagg, Thomas Sullivan and Nancy Viggiano. Attendance: 65%   20/31  
Guests:   Greg Panjian – visiting member and our speaker Brian Hendrickson.
Announcements/Program:  Vice President Charles Roumas opened the meeting with a welcome to our speaker Brian Hendrickson. 
  • Two reminders:
    • Deadline for meal selection and payment for the Oct 10 Lobster Fest is next Tuesday; email Nancy Viggiano with your meal selection and bring payment next meeting; the attendance signup for this event was passed.
    • Next meeting will be the final meeting at Suffield Country Club for this year; please donate to the tips for wait staff fund at either this meeting or next week; the basket for this fund was passed.  
SOTG BBQ:  Jack Muska notes the net profit to now total $5540.
Brian Hendrickson, Assistant Superintendent-Suffield Schools presentation:  As the Suffield Public School Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Brian outlined his vision for both the district and the school improvement plans.  With an emphasis on recognition of the impact of the internet and information available outside the classroom, the workforce/teachers will be prepped to approach learning using a partnership model. To effectively prepare first year teachers, the Teaching and Learning subcommittee has established peer based support and coaching.  Brian’s goals are to prepare kids thru engagement of peer based models and to partner with the community, parents and students by bringing them into the learning process. The improvement plans are transparent; and can be found on the Suffield School website.   
Discussion from the members and Brian centered upon the content of the curriculum currently in place, with special note that Civics, History, Economics and the workings of Free Enterprise are no longer included.  Brian noted that the K-12 curriculum is current under review for identification of the material being missed; he feels 50% of the core curriculum will be revamped.  Thru a series of focus group activities, students have identified their concepts of limitations or deficiencies which is also included in the curriculum review. Results will be posted on the website for public viewing. Email any additional questions for Brian at
As Brian is involved in the State level of assessment; a question about accountability was raised. “How do you pass a kid who can’t read or put a sentence together?”  The challenge of preparing both the teaching staff and the students to excel in the international realm of today’s workforce will take a focus upon both teaching leadership to embrace diverse and unique teaching methods and student engagement and accountability.
Birthdays and Anniversaries:  Jon Kozloski, Don Rawlings and Gayle Demko had birthdays; a unique version of the traditional and Rotary celebration song was somehow accomplished.
Blue Ticket Winners:  Guest Brian Hendrickson had the winning blue ticket, with a side won by Roger Pratt.
Queen of Hearts:  Don Miner had the winning ticket, but did not select the queen. Next week’s drawing $595+.
Adjournment: Charles adjourned the meeting and Scott led a closing song.
Program scheduled for our next meeting - Oct 3:  District Governor Dave Mangs to outline the plans for District & RI