Posted by Greg DeSantis on Sep 07, 2017
Opening and Welcome:  Charles Roumas opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and the recitation of the Rotary Four-Way Test and Luis Lee provided the invocation and led the club in “God Bless America”.
Members Present: Jed Dery, Gregory DeSantis, Heidi Partain Huhn, Jonathan Kozloski, Luis Lee, Clark Mason, Karen Mason, Jack Muska,  Ken Pascoe, Roger Pratt, Jay Presser, Don Rawling, Charles Roumas, Gordon Stagg, and Nancy Viggiano. Attendance: 47%   (16/34)
Guests:  Heather Lee (wife of Luis); George Gregson (Speaker); Paul Terrio(Speaker)
Announcements/Program:  Vice President Charles Roumas announced Roger Pratt was now a member and his formal induction will be at next week’s meeting
Charles also mentioned that Dick Kisiel had sent out an email inviting members to a picture taking of the Little League batting cages on this coming Thursday. Lets have a good showing.
Suffield On The Green (SOTG):  Ken Pascoe announced the final planning is in process and we need a good member showing for the event. Some of Ken’s needs are:
1. More volunteers. Ken will email the sign up sheet on Wednesday and possibly Thursday.
2. All members to sell more tickets.
3. All members needed to make/stock the chicken boxes at 7AM on Sunday September 10th.
4. Cooking the chickens will start at 4AM on Sunday. If you would like to help, it would be greatly appreciated.
5. The tents and pits will be set up with Jon Kozloski and others tonight.
A special thanks to Ken for coordinating this very important event!!!!!!
Program:  Charles Roumas introduced our speakers for the evening, George Gregson and Paul Terrio who came up from Stonington, CT. Their presentation was very informative about “Home Energy Audits”.
Some of the key points were:
1. Both presenters are “Green Enthusiasts” which translates into lowering energy costs.
2. Forty percent (40%) of energy costs are for heating and cooling homes and businesses.
3. There are 108 million under insulated homes in America.
4. Energy losses occur through conduction, convection, and radiation
5. Therefore, home energy inspections make sense.
6. They estimate the average home has 50-70% lost energy.
7. The remainder of the presentation went through the audit process explaining many areas of potential losses. They also pointed out that energy efficient windows is a big saver.
Finally they offered free home energy audits to all members. It would take about 90 minutes. If interested, contact Charles.
Birthdays and Anniversaries:  Celebrated Jay Presser’s with an outstanding “Happy Birthday” rendition led by Heidi. Unfortunately, our other birthday baby, Tom Sullivan was unavailable. Jay and his wife Joanne also celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. Congrats!!!!
Blue Ticket Winners:  Don Rawling had the winning blue ticket, with sides won by Jed Dery and Roger Pratt.
Queen of Hearts:  Heidi Partain Huhn had the winning ticket, but did not select the queen. Next week’s drawing $529+.
Adjournment: Charles Roumas adjourned the meeting.  NEXT WEEK: Formal Induction Ceremony of Roger Pratt as new member!
Respectively submitted,
Greg DeSantis