Posted by Gayle Demko on Jan 14, 2018
Opening and Welcome:  President Richard Kisiel opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and the recitation of the Rotary Four-Way Test.  Luis Lee gave the invocation and Tom Sullivan led the club singing of “God Bless America”.  The club then observed a moment of silence in memory of Justin Donnelly in honor of his dedication to service for the town.
Members Present: Dale Baker, Joe Blake, Gayle Demko, Natalie Donais, Jackie Guzie, Gail Handley, Greg Heineman, Richard Kisiel, Jon Kozloski, Luis Lee, Robert Lowell, Don Miner,  Cat Morrow, Jack Muska, Ken Pascoe, Roger Pratt, Jay Presser, Don Rawling, Charles Roumas and Tom Sullivan.  (20/32….62.5%).
Guests: Assistant Rotary Governor Pam Lapoli and her husband, Tony, speaker Dr. Andrew Wakefield, visiting Rotarian Greg Madore (Burbank Ca), and Bob Lowell’s wife Linda Stevenson.  And welcome to Cat and Joe Blake who have returned from their hiatus. 
Announcements: President Kisiel made several announcements:
-A recap of the Board meeting held prior to the weekly meeting noted a portion of the available Foundation funds will be invested in stocks in lieu of sitting in a checking account.  Our Morgan Stanley advisor will manage and monitor this additional investment.   
-Dick met with the Interact Club at Suffield High School; a club of 33 members who would like to participate in a service project.  Dick has scheduled a Friday morning meeting with our Town Selectman Melissa Mack and will inquire as to an activity she would like supported.  The Interact Club also would like tee shirts to wear when working on their projects.
-Additionally, Dick referred to a fundraising activity recommended by our visiting Rotarian Greg Madore from the Burbank Noon Club, Burbank CA club. This activity involves members will either ‘sing Karaoke or pay a penalty’ as the fundraising event.  More to come on this proposed activity.
Bob Lowell has agreed to write an article about the Suffield Rotary for the Suffield Observer each month.  He asks for support on this project; he will be submitting the article from the road as he and his wife begin their tour of the US.  Bob will email the draft to the membership and requests any input be returned by email promptly. He is also hoping for suggestions and ideas for this effort.
PROGRAM: President Kisiel introduced neurosurgeon Dr. Andrew Wakefield who discussed his nonprofit group “Dreaming and Working Together”. 15 years ago two doctors traveled to Lima, Peru at the urging of Hernandez, a medical records employee at Hartford Hospital.  Now 24 medically trained volunteers travel to Peru for five days to work with residents to train in both spinal and prosthetic surgical techniques and implementation.  The effort is also supported with members of the UCONN internship training program.  Dr. Wakefield’s goals for this effort have been: sustainability, improved skills thru training and facility improvement for the facility and its personnel.  Pam Lipoli noted the Cheshire Rotary has applied for a grant to assist with medical needs in Lima and there may be an opportunity to work with them to support these efforts.
Blue Ticket Winners: Greg Heineman had the winning blue ticket, with sides won by Natalie Donais and Tom Sullivan.
Queen of Hearts:  Gayle Demko had the winning red ticket but did not select the Queen of Hearts. Total winning pot now stands at $55+.
Birthdays and Anniversaries: None
Adjournment: Richard Kisel closed the meeting leading the group in singing of “God Bless America”.
Next week’s meeting (January16) will honor the January Rotary Student of the Month.