Club Meeting January 17, 2017
Opening and Welcome:  President Jackie Guzie opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and the recitation of the Rotary Four-Way Test. Scott Seabury gave the invocation and led the singing of “God Bless America”.
Members Present: Gil Ahrens, Dale Baker, Jed Dery, Jackie Guzie, Gail Handley, Richard Kisiel, Jon Kozloski, Luis Lee, Don Miner, Jack Muska, Paul Pace, Ken Pascoe, Ray Perleoni, Jay Presser, Charles Roumas and Scott Seabury (16/37….43%).
Guests: Ben Frost and Don Rawling- prospective members sponsored by Jackie Guzie.
Announcements:  Our Next Rotary Board meeting to be held on Tuesday January 24, 2017. Any member wishing to address the board privately should notify Jackie.
Program: The members enjoyed an hour of fellowship and food this week without a formal program. There was fun banter regarding Happy Dollars donations and the upcoming Patriots game, etc.
Blue Ticket Winners: Jed Dery had the winning blue ticket, with sides won by Jackie Guzie and Charles Roumas.
Queen of Hearts: Luis Lee had the winning red ticket, but did not select the Queen of Hearts; next week’s pot is $204+.
Birthdays and Anniversaries: None present.
Adjournment: Jackie Guzie adjourned the meeting with “God Bless America” as the closing song.
Minutes recorded by Charles Roumas, Secretary on January 17, 2017.