The Rotary Club of University Hills (Denver) was chartered October 6, 1971. The club was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Denver with the leadership of then President, Peter Bowes.
The first President of University Hills was Cliff Dochterman. President Dochterman had been a Club President in Berkeley, California and a District Governor of District 516. He set a tone for University Hills Rotary that carries on to this day that involves international and community service, while having light hearted fellowship. He was President of Rotary International for the 1992-1993 Rotary year. Cliff remains active in Rotary International to this day.
The Rotary club of University Hills (Denver) was sponsored and co-sponsored several new clubs in District 5450. They are Smoky Hill (Aurora - 1983), Denver Southeast (1985), Cherry Creek (1987), Denver Mile High (1989), Rocky Mountain Rotaract (1989), and Denver LoDo (1994).