Finally we had a winner of the largest Raffle Prize in the history of this club - I feel fairly secure in making that claim!  Member Cameron Haste found the Joker in the deck and he has a very good place to spend the prize.
Cameron Haste
Our guest speakers today were Debbie Brooks and Tara Ireland of the Santa Cruz Volunteer Center.
Tara Ireland
SLV Rotary meeting
September 21st
-Karen rang the bell
-Steve led us in the Pledge and Carol led us in the 4 Way test
-Don had the thought for the day
-Karen passed around the contact list for members to make corrections and reminded members to bring socks next week to “sock the past president”. Mike will be filling in for Karen next week as she travels to Cleveland.
-Karen passed around the Rotary meeting duty roster to have the last few jobs to be filled in.
-Laurie was Detective and quizzed us on SLV history.
-Laurie also reminded the club about upcoming S4C meeting:
The Santa Cruz College Commitment or S4C will be having a Community Forum on Monday, Sept. 26 at the Seascape Golf Club starting at 5:30. The County Office of Education (COE) is partnering with S4C to provide an opportunity to update leaders in the community on the work that is being done across the county on "College and Career Readiness." The service organizations, the city council, the chamber of commerce, and business leaders throughout Santa Cruz are invited. 
-Eric introduced our Guest Speakers Debbie Brooks & Tara Ireland from the Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County.
Debbie Brooks is the Senior Programs Director and will be retiring next year after serving for 25 years at the Volunteer Center.  She talked about the Retired Senior Volunteer Program to find volunteer opportunities for seniors, the Transportation Program to provide free rides to appointments to allow for seniors to maintain their independence, the Helping hands senior home repair program to keep seniors safe and allow them to remain in their homes and File of Life to have medical info readily available on the refrigerator.
Tara Ireland is in charge of the Helping Hands program explained more about that program.  She explained that the program helps low / fixed income seniors with small safety related home repairs that they would not be able to afford. These include transitional repairs such as adding grab bars, handrails, other minor repairs and also providing safety inspections that can allow seniors to remain safely in their homes.
There are 3 requirements to be eligible for the program: They must own their homes, be at least 60 years and older, and have a low / fixed income. 
-Debbie also spoke about the Trivia Challenge on February 24th that is the fundraiser for the Senior Programs and encouraged our Rotary Club to participate.
-Karen reminded the club about the District Governor visit on October 26th and we discussed some ideas for a prank to play on that day.
-Karen asked for Board members to stay a few minutes after the meeting for a quick, informal vote on a couple of requests that have been received.
-Mary had a reminder for the club about the MCR Open House Fundraiser on October 23rd that will be at MCR from 5-9 PM. Tickets are $35 for an evening of drinks and appetizers. 85% of the money raised will remain in our community and 14% is to cover administrative costs provided by Community Bridges.
-The raffle drawing was down to 3 cards including the Joker.  Cameron had the winning raffle number and pulled the Joker, winning $1917.  Cameron said the money would be used to help with his son’s tuition costs.
-Karen rang the bell to end the meeting.
Respectfully submitted by Janet Coit for Julie Haff.