Today was our monthly Club Assembly meeting, but we had a short presentation from Jim LeBlanc, Saratoga Rotary Club and Regional Director for the Internation Foundation Giving Program.
Jim LeBlanc
Minutes of Rotary Club of SLV
September 14, 2016
Members in attendance: Judy, Don, Laurie, Janet, Linda, Joe, Julie, Mary, Eric, Cameron, Mike, Heather, Steve, Karen, Carol, Brenda, Bill, Ralph, and Franziska. Guests: Jim LeBlanc
Guest Speaker: Jim LeBlanc, Saratoga Club and regional Director of the International Foundation Giving Program
President Karen opened the meeting with the flag salute, introductions and Thought for the Day.
Announcements: Jim told us about the annual giving plan. Last year, SLV had 13 double sustainers. The annual Barrel Wrap coming up on October 1.
  • The lobster feed is on Saturday, October 8. Sign-up if you are willing to help.
  • Karen spoke to District 10 presidents about participating in Stop Hunger now. Each club will donate to the cause.
  • Heather is writing a grant on the behalf of the SLV Education Foundation for 3 AEDs, mounts and training. The grant will be turned in tomorrow.
  • Ken would like a back up for the website. Cameron has volunteered.
  • Mt. Parks community event, The Mountain Affair, is $35 and being held on October 21. Posters were passed out and they hope everyone will attend.
  • Eric reminded us that the County Fair starts today. Don’t miss the BBQ today.
  • Eric asked that we consider partnering with the Rotary Clubs in Ensenada. He shared a few stories from the BECA / Communidad trip to Mexico. Thanks Carol, Joe, Eric and Susan Hammer for recommending our club.
  • Members shared ideas about inviting political candidates to speak at a rotary meeting. Members agreed that it should be in a bio format and that both candidates should be invited. Rotary bylaws clearly state that we are a service organization and will not endorse or recommend candidates. Merits and demerits of candidates should not be discussed during meetings. A suggestion was to invite someone from Valley Women’s Club and the League of Women’s Voters to talk about the measures on this ballot. Mike summarized Article16—to clarify that we are a service club and not to take political stands. Laurie suggested that people could inform us of their ideas. We agreed that we all believe in fairness.
  • Vocation Appreciation will be at the end of November. A Roaring Camp employee will be recognized.
  • November 23, December 21 and 28 are all dark.  Our Holiday party will be at Joe and Linda’s on Friday, December 16.
Detective: Laurie did a fine job and raised lots of money for the club!
Drawing: $1842---- Joe Hammer pulled Judy’s number AND she pulled the King of Spades! How thoughtful is she?? She saved the Joker for someone else!!
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 am
Minutes respectfully submitted by J. Haff