Posted by Julie Haff on May 06, 2018
The meeting began with member Ralph Miljanich introducing the two RYLA campers from SLV HS for this year: Kaylo Zubey and Julia Poetzinger.
Ralph with Kaylo Zubey and Julia Poetzinger
Our guest speaker today was Dylan Skybrook, manager of Santa Cruz Stewardship Network.
Dylan Skybrook
Minutes of Rotary Club of SLV
May 2, 2018
Members in attendance: Ken, Judy, Joe, Don, Janet, Julie, Linda, Mary, Steve, Cameron, Mike, Charlie, Karen, Don, Ralph, Carol, Bob, Jessica, Ed, Francezka, and Laurie.  Guests: Tracie, Charlotte, Dylan, Christiana, Veena, Beckie, Millie, Julie, Mitzi, Shelly, and Dylan.
President Karen opened the meeting with the flag salute, introductions and the Thought for the Day.
Announcements: Sign up to help with the Redwood Mt. Fair On June 1-3—we need you! Sign-up or show up on May 12 at the Quail Hollow Ranch Park at 10:00 to help with painting. Sign up to help at the Luxury Home tour on June 23. Janet can give you more info. Lots of ways to help and fits
Guest speaker: Dylan Skybrook, Manager of Santa Cruz Mountains’ Stewardship Network
This network is comprised of 21 members that manages or owns land in the mountains. This network manages about 500,000 acres that make up the 1,000,000 acres in the SC Mountains. Sometimes the members are in conflict- like not cutting trees and being a lumber company- though most of the time they do agree on the science.
The network brings groups together that may not have worked together before. Each member has their own strategic plan-- Dylan doesn’t tell members what to do. As manager he helps them discuss ways they can work together. This is a new network and their mission is to protect the land in the Santa Cruz Mountains. The network is funded through two foundations through 2019.
Detective: Scott taught us a new game!
Drawing: Karen is lucky at getting $5 but terrible at finding jokers.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 a.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by J. Haff