Cameron received the Paul Harris Fellow award today.  Today was our monthly club assembly to catch up on business and other topics for the club.  See the attached minutes.
Cameron Haste
Minutes of Rotary Club of SLV
Feb. 8, 2017
Members in attendance: Judy, Don, Janet, Linda, Joe, Julie, Cameron, Mike, Charlie, Steve, Ken, Karen, Ralph, Carol, Sue, Franziska.  Rotaract guests: Courtney, Alyssa, Andrea, Millie, Cori, Cindy, and Bonni.
President Karen opened the meeting with the flag salute, introductions and Thought for the Day.
  • Visiting Rotaract members talked about their upcoming events including:
    • Professional Development Program at Back 9 on May 4. There will be a fee for Rotarians ($25 or $30?) Rotarians are asked to consider being a mentor to a college or high school student. Mike did this last year. Talk to him if you have questions about it.
    • Jacobs Heart Fundraiser – hiring Rotaract members at $9 or $10 an hour. Cameron has contact information
    • April 9 Interact / Rotaract Day – high school students are invited on campus
  • Cameron received a Paul Harris Award
  • Monthly Rotary events were discussed – they could be held any day of the week- the first event will be at 6:00 on March 6 at Casa Nostra.
  • Meals on Wheels piggy banks are due the last week of Feb.
  • Janet announced the Feb 18 installation dinner for the BC Business Association as Scopazzi’s.
  • Rotary International Convention budget – should we include this in next year’s budget? Ken recommended putting this on the list for 2018.
  • Mike will share a link for Bring a Guest to Rotary Day.  
  • Karen asked for volunteers for the AED Grant. Volunteers included: Cameron, Sue, Joe, Charlie, Steve, and Julie.
  • Mike asked for speaker recommendations. Ralph told about the PV waste management. Rotarians are interested in visiting the site and Ralph is willing to be as speaker as well.
  • Fight Hunger Now takes place on Sat., Feb. 25 at New Brighton School. Linda will help with Interact transportation. 7:30 is set up and 9:00 we will start bagging the food.
Detective: Super Bowl theme-- Great job, Carol.
Drawing: Janet did not find the joker!
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 am
Minutes respectfully submitted by J. Haff