Posted by Julie Haff on Feb 21, 2018
Multiple guests were in attendance today, including County Supervisor Bruce McPherson who introduced the speaker George Dondero, Executive Director of the Regional Transportation Commission.  George and his assistant Brianna gave an overview of Measure D and Senate Bill 1, both of which directly impact the improved situation of the roads in the county and especially the SLV.
Bruce McPherson
George Dondero
Minutes of Rotary Club of SLV
Feb 21, 2018
Members in attendance: Ken, Judy, Joe, Don, Janet, Julie, Linda, Mary, Joe, Cameron, Mike, Karen, Don, Ralph, Carol, Scott W, Bob, Ed, Jessica and Francezka.  Guests: Cindy Sekkel, Bay Cancino, Justin, Mark Bright, Roxanne Moore, Jenny Johnson, George, Bruce McPherson, and Briana.
President Karen opened the meeting with the flag salute, introductions and the Thought for the Day.
Announcements: Dinner at Linda and Joe’s tonight. Bring a potluck dish; Doc Holliday Tuesday, Mar 6 from 5-9 pm; Mar will be the month to make donations to to MCR—listen for your phone call; April 7 is our homeless project;
Guest speaker: SCC Supervisor Bruce McPherson introduced George Dondero, Executive Director of SC County Regional Transportation Commission
A comprehensive transportation plan needs assessment and evaluation is being developed to identify priorities for Measure D spending. This money will be used to leverage other funds from the state.
SB 1 is a gas tax that was passed by the legislature and signed by the governor and is intended to repair roads and bridges in California. Over 400 people from SLV responded to meetings and surveys and contributed over 800 unique ideas. The corridor specific plan will be a stepping-stone to secure funding for priority investments and provide a framework for partnering with Caltrans. SB 1 is being challenged on the November ballot.
George has done a great job for the residents of Santa Cruz County. He is planning on retiring at the end of the year—we wish him well and thank him for his contributions to our county.
Detective: We had some challenging questions from Cameron. Did he really write these on his way home from Dubai?
Drawing: Don left early so Karen drew a king on his behalf! Poor Don.
The meeting was adjourned at a.m. 8:40 am
Minutes respectfully submitted by J. Haff