Posted by Julie Haff on Nov 02, 2017
No guest speaker today. The Rotarians put labels in dictionaries.
Minutes of Rotary Club of SLV
Nov 1, 2017
Members in attendance: Judy, Joe, Linda, Heather, Brenda, Don, Janet, Julie, Mary, Cameron, Mike, Charlie, Steve, Ken, Karen, Ralph, Carol, Scott, Eric, Franziska, Sue, Gil, Scott W, Tamie, and Laurie.  Guests: Ed Titus, Bob and Cindy Frobish, Millie Angula, Erica Pasculan, Bonnie Baichon, and Jessica Locatelli.
President Karen opened the meeting with the flag salute, introductions and Thought for the Day.
Karen inducted Bob Frobish into our club. Bob is a retired engineer and lives in Boulder Creek. He is the newest Rotarian in the world. Welcome, Bob.
Announcements: Town Sweep in BC this Saturday morning. Bring your broom! Sign up for the AED training on Nov 14 (SLE Cafeteria) and 16th (BCE MPR). Rotarians should be there at 4:00 to help set-up – the training is from 4:30-6:00. Next week is the Club Assembly.
Interact Team – they are planning an event with Rotaract; you can hire Interact students for $10 per hour. Karen has the phone number; they have a fundraiser coming up on Feb 24. Last year they raised $1600. 
Guest Speaker: No guest speaker today. The Rotarians put labels in dictionaries
Detective: Thanks for the funny questions, Carol!
Drawing: Poor Joe, no joker!
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.
Minutes respectfully submitted by J. Haff