Posted by Kenneth Macy on Feb 03, 2025
January 8
This morning our speaker was Rotarian Alan Leventhal who is an archeologist/ethno-historian.  He is a professor at San Francisco State University studying the indigenous people of the SF Bay Area.  He's participated in excavations at various locations in our region including Scotts Valley.

January 22
Our speaker this morning was Rotarian Sue McKinney of the San Jose Silicon Valley club.  She is the main force behind the District 5170 Rotary Viet Nam Project.  She moved to Viet Nam early in 1994 to pursue this Rotary project that fights human trafficking.  Sue is a lawyer and ex-DA for Alameda County and served as Chief Assistant California Secretary of State under March Fong Eu.

January 30
Jeanette Kornher started the Kitten Kornher Rescue in 2015 and has quickly risen to fame hosting a bunch of kittens in the corner window of the Odd Fellows building in Boulder Creek.  Originally from Pennsylvania, Jeanette and her husband John have a blended family of 9 children.  She has rescued and placed hundreds of cats to date, some coming from as far away as Los Angeles.  Two were adopted today.  She has recently added 501(c)3 status to the operation and is looking for donations and sponsors who can help with the monthly expenses of the Rescue.
The club also hosted PDG Ron Sekkel swearing in three new members.  Filomena Milburn, active member of the Grey Bears weekly food distribution network; Paige Morehead, current president of the Bracken Brae HOA; and Jonathan      Mauk, who is very busy with the Easter Seals organization and their campground north of Boulder Creek.  Sponsors Linda Deal, Scott Tucker and Scott Deal were also present for the short ceremony.      
   Jonathan             Filomena         Paige