Another Wednesday meeting, another example of outstanding young people. On February 13, we had our annual Outstanding Student Achievement Recognition Program for middle and high school students. All of the students had incredibly impressive accomplishments whether in the academic, sports, and/or leadership realm. Paraphrasing the program emcee, Steve Betando, their accomplishments made all of us Rotarians feel woefully inadequate. The winners were:
Ria Deshpande, 8th grade, Britton Middle School
Kathryn Huffman, 8th grade, Charter School of Morgan Hill
Cassian Jones, 8th grade, Jackson Academy of Math & Music
Melina Kwarcinski, 8th grade, Martin Murphy Middle School
Zander Provenzano, 8th grade, St. Catherine Catholic School
Zaria Kelley, 12th grade, Ann Sobrato High School
Ashley Sanchez, 12th grade, Central High School
Julie Muzzi, 12th grade, Live Oak High School
Hannah Selby, 12th grade, Oakwood School
Thanks to Leonette Stafford and Steve Betando for putting the program together and to all the principals, teachers, parents and family of the students for your inspiration and nurturing. These young people give us all hope for the future.