On April 5, Tom Mickelson brought us a convincing description of the process and value of Club Visioning that is aiding Rotary clubs far and near.
The results are not a mandate from District or RI although District 6250 supports the process.

Benefits: Long term goal setting; continuity in club's programs, aid setting annual goals that fit long-range ones, clear vision, harnessed energy as all members pull in one direction. Club gains an immediate sense of moving ahead. It makes assessing progress and updating easy.

Content: What club stands for in community; ideal membership size; club attributes, three objectives in each avenue of service, leadership development. Club creates its own vision and action steps in these areas.

Who: Involves at least 15 club members who include new and long-term members; half women, half men; club leaders and members at large. All people must be engaged and attend entire session. A trained team of four Rotarians, including both men and women and newer and longer term Rotarians facilitates the Club Visioning session.

Where: Held in a spacious room with space for flip charts. Session begins at 4:30 PM with food, working session from 5PM to 8:30 or 9PM.

Process: Participants spend 30 min on writing exercise; what they'd like to see - perhaps extreme, far out; cover a set of questions/topics. These are recorded on flip charts, votes on, reflected on and summarized. Result should be an action plan and identified "champions."

Tom Mickelson is prepared to help us with such an event, selecting facilitators, date and reviewing needs. His talk was an effective first step that interested many. The process would avoid many pitfalls encountered when strategic plans are mandated and participants reluctant. Helen will return to Doug Nordstrom a copy of Tom's 27 slides. Interested?