Agrarian Adventure
Agrarian Adventure's- Hoop House Project
Agrarian Adventure's- Hoop House Proposal
Agrarian Adventure
Agrarian Adventure Hoop House at Tappan Middle School
The Agrarian Adventure is the steward of a hoop house erected in 2006 at Tappan Middle School, with generous support of community members, and the Ann Arbor Farm and Garden Association.
This hoop house has been utilized as a winter garden for students, a hub for seedling production and distribution, and as a growing site for students at Tappan (with particular leadership from those in the after school Food & Garden Club). 
Over the ten years since it was built, produce from the hoop house has found its way to classroom and outdoor tastings, school cafeterias, student-prepared meals, the homes of Tappan families and garden volunteers, fundraiser events, local businesses, the Backdoor Food Pantry, and Food Gatherers. 
These two signs are on the grounds of the Hoophouse: