Posted by LRM on Aug 26, 2019

Bethlehem Rotary Action Group Against Slavery

Pat Morgan of the Bethlehem Rotary Club spoke to us on August 14th on the subject of Human Slavery. This phenomenon is often considered to be a victimless crime that happens in someone else's community. Because it is largely done underground and often in the cover of darkness, good hard data is lacking. But this they do know: it is the 2nd largest criminal industry in the world and the fastest growing. About 85-95% are under pimp control. Average entry age is 12-13. Live span is only 7 years. In the US alone, 300,000 victims are forced, frauded, and coerced into the sex trafficking industry often by friends or family. To stop these crimes we first must have recognition. The problem needs to be brought into the light. If you see something suspicious, report it to the police. Until there is a public outcry, the problem will persist.