Allison Hess, Education and Engagement Manager - Thousand Islands Playhouse, provided members an interesting overview of the extensive Thousand Islands Playhouse Education and Engagement programming. With much enthusiasm, she outlined behind the scene activities related to Youth Camps, such as, the PA Day Camp and Summer Camp, along with the Playhouse's Young Company learning opportunities. It is evident from the video testimonials that were shown during the presentation that the participants value the skills and knowledge that they take away with them at the end of each session. In the photo above, Rotarian Tom Harrington (right) and Club President Alfred O'Rourke (left) extended the Club's thanks to Allison (middle) for her informative presentation. The Guest Speaker book presented in recognition of Allison's presentation will be donated to the St. John Bosco Elementary School Library on her behalf.
Service Above Self
Brockville, ON K6V 0C4